1. We're seeing lots more teaching materials emerging.
1.1. What happens when we see people getting through these programs?
1.1.1. People who have enough skill to write a bit of code being put into startps or being brought in and expected to perform at a high level
1.2. Girl develop it
1.2.1. Job board with awesome questions
1.2.2. We're going to try to get you into a place that is going to accept you don't know how to code yet
1.3. Craftsmanship Academy
1.3.1. 6 months of hard work
1.3.2. a year of apprenticeship
1.3.3. You are not sent out into the wild
2. businesses desperate for people who can code
2.1. I dont know how to build a house, but I need to build a bunch of houses... What do I do?
2.2. There is a vauum of people, and businesses don't know how to differentiate
3. It is a different thing to be bringing people into the conference
4. Corey Haines is a bit worried :-o *GASP*
4.1. If you get to the point where you can put some code together, when you get shopped around you wind up writing hard to change code
5. Where did we come from? Why are we here?
5.1. Everyone had a computer
5.2. Learning about computers exploded (self taught) programmers
5.3. Giant tech boom
5.4. Epidemic of teach yourself X in 24 hours
5.5. lots of people know how to write a bit of code
5.6. not enough people who could help them be effective
5.7. "Software development is easy"
5.8. Can you learn C++ in 24 hours? Maybe. Can you learn software development in 24 hours? No
5.9. I was incredibl
6. I was incredibly lucky to run into people who taught me how to make software. Most people don't.
7. What are we seeing today?
7.1. The economic downturn is revealing the american dream
7.2. We're seeing a huge derth of new businesses and new programmers
8. Software development is HARD
8.1. I've been doing it for years and I still make a ton of mistakes
9. Why are we doing this again?
9.1. Programming is AWESOME
9.2. We build software to create some kind of business value
9.3. Really, we're providing a value to a business
9.4. I love saying "You don't need a developer."
9.5. If you have very good developers, the liability is less... but it is not nonexistant
10. It is all about minimizing the cost of change
10.1. Startups need to move quickly
10.3. Don't let the cost of change increase so damn fast (Not that I've ever done this of course)
10.4. We know how to write software which cost of change plateuas with a slow rise
10.4.1. If you practice your techniques, you can do this.
11. Techniques
11.1. Test Driven Development
11.1.1. If it's faster to just rewrite the app, do you need to do TDD?
11.1.2. TDD is a companion that helps me write good code.
11.2. Abstraction, etc.
11.3. It's about understanding these techniques. If you've been doing something for years you can start to make decisions about it's value
11.4. It's about the understanding of what it gives me
11.5. If you choose not to do a practice you must replace it with another of equal value
12. bring back the values
12.1. I like well crafted software because it brings value to the business
12.1.1. It is fitted to a purpose
12.1.2. it is not over engineered
12.1.3. it lasts a liong time
12.2. Steadily adding value
12.2.1. otherwise you do big bang value
12.3. Community of professionals
12.3.1. You can't just go online and learn how to code
12.3.2. We are raising the bar together
12.3.3. CODE AND COFFEE FTW :D Everyone is so helpful!
12.3.4. Communities help each other
12.4. Productive partnerships
12.4.1. Businesses hire us to help them
12.4.2. We want to be partners. We want to be more than contractors
12.4.3. We want to understand the business