My Document

Before you start writing any document, it's important to consider the purpose of the document and your readership. Knowing who you're writing for and why will help you determine the style and tone of your document.

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My Document por Mind Map: My Document

1. Purpose

1.1. To provide information

1.2. To give instructions

1.3. To propose ideas / persuade the reader

1.4. To present your opinion

2. Readership

2.1. Demographics

2.1.1. Education

2.1.2. Age

2.1.3. Language

2.2. Prior knowledge of subject

3. Style and Tone

3.1. Formal

3.2. Informal

3.3. Personal

3.4. Impersonal

3.5. Serious

3.6. Humorous

4. Diction

4.1. Formal

4.2. Informal

4.3. Colloquial

4.4. Slang

4.5. Jargon

5. Sentence Length

5.1. 10-15 words on average

5.2. 15-20 words on average

5.3. 20-25 words on average