singapore committed investment on companies

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singapore committed investment on companies by Mind Map: singapore committed investment on companies

1. development and testing of new technology, and marketing of exports overseas.

2. create about 1500 jobs in clean energy industry by 2015

3. The green industry involves multiple government agencies,

3.1. from the Building and Construction Authority to A*Star or the Agency for Science, Technology and Research.

4. temasek polytechnic was given a sum of money to do prototypes on fuel car. it was supported by ebd

4.1. Companies can even test-drive their prototypes at the poly's S$5.5 million fuel cell application centre

5. New node

6. aims to be a testing ground for new technology such as the latest solar panels or fuel cell engines.

7. iconic government buildings to use clean energy will be launched in the next month or so, said EDB officials.

8. nurturing of a cluster of large and small businesses

9. clean fuel products and groom manpower over the next five years

9.1. plans to export locally developed products overseas.

10. the government implement and co-ordinate research and development, test-bedding and pilot projects in clean energy, a Clean Energy Programme Office (Cepo) has been set up

10.1. EDB, the National Environment Agency,

10.2. the Building and Construction Authority and three ministries.

10.3. It will be guided by a Clean Energy Executive Committee reporting to the Environmental and Water Technologies