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@prigoose by Mind Map: @prigoose

1. Twitter

1.1. Using Twitter well

1.2. Tweeting makes you smaht

1.3. modular thoughts

1.4. polls

1.4.1. alt

1.4.2. gender v. digestion

1.4.3. does tweeting change the way you think

2. emotions

2.1. units of pain

2.2. loneliness

2.2.1. epidemic

2.2.2. the homeless

2.3. relationships

2.3.1. you are not enough people

2.4. motivation

2.5. grief

3. words and phrases

3.1. the web

3.2. my favorite words

3.3. soul in the game

3.4. 'road rage', but for programming

3.5. "drivist"

3.6. pyrrhic

4. education and kids

4.1. teaching an internal locus of control

4.2. boring-ness causes procrastination

5. incentives

5.1. Twitter as slot machine

5.2. follow the incentives

5.3. serendipity

5.3.1. talk 2 me about coding

6. San Francisco

6.1. culture

6.1.1. eccentricity + innovation

6.1.2. fluid relationships the upside of ambiguity

6.1.3. healthy workplace

6.1.4. SF car theft worst in country

6.2. capitalist shill

6.2.1. Capitol One shameless plug

6.2.2. public / private transportation experimentation

6.2.3. wealth creation

6.2.4. value proposition from my laundromat

7. transit / scooters / biking

7.1. extreme city biking

7.2. single-use streets

7.3. father-daughter bike riding

7.4. happier + healthier

8. politics

8.1. don't follow politics

8.2. Estonia is Silicon Valley pipe dream

8.3. # Yang Gang

8.4. women's rights

8.4.1. on the importance of stories