Health Care at Home Application

RWTH Aachen // DIS I WS08/09 // Project

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Health Care at Home Application von Mind Map: Health Care at Home Application

1. Monitoring Device

1.1. User Groups

1.1.1. Elderly People Alone at Home

1.1.2. Risk Groups (e.g. Heart Patience)

1.1.3. Athletes

1.1.4. Handicapped

1.2. Sensor Data

1.2.1. Blood Presure

1.2.2. Hearth Rate

1.2.3. Other Blood Diagnostics (Colesterol)

1.2.4. Sweat Level (indicating Stress)

1.2.5. Position (GPS)

1.2.6. Communication with implants

1.2.7. Blood Sugar

1.2.8. Body Weight

1.2.9. egesta

1.3. Actions

1.3.1. Call Emergency

1.3.2. Give Medication

1.3.3. Alert User

1.3.4. Contact doctor Synchronous (Phone Call / Video Chat) Asynchrous (SMS / Email)

1.3.5. Different Actions for Different Sensor Levels

1.3.6. use ubicomp device to monitor

1.3.7. Contact relative (emergency contact)

1.3.8. Display first aid instructions

1.4. Device may have a "sign on/off" function (for going to bed / shower)

1.5. If device needs to be monitoring during sleep, it has to be designed, so it cannot fall off accidently

2. Supportive Device for Mobile Doctors / Nurses

2.1. Device to record and display health informations

2.2. May be to complex for scope of DIS project

2.3. Telehealth Support

3. Drug-stores (aka pharmacy)

3.1. view on map w/ contact details

3.2. see list of available medicines

3.3. order required medicine

3.4. see similar medicines

4. Benefits of Home Device/Application

4.1. For the user

4.1.1. Independence

4.1.2. Security

4.1.3. Savety

4.1.4. Higher quality of care

4.2. For the doctor

4.2.1. More data -> better diagnostics

4.2.2. earlier notification/treatment

4.2.3. real time data

4.3. For the health system

4.3.1. One doctor can deal with more patients

4.3.2. Health care in rural areas

5. Special Use Cases

5.1. Health care for rural areas

5.2. Health care for poor/developing areas (mobile communication infrastructure often exists)

6. Diagnostic Device

6.1. Analyse Body Fluids

6.1.1. Blood (e.g. HIV ?)

6.1.2. Urin (e.g. Pregnancy)

6.2. Analyse drinking water (safe to drink?)

7. Medication Device

7.1. Remember prescribed medication

7.2. Alert when medication is due

7.3. Store the pills

7.4. Inject medication

7.5. Control medication level (e.g. blood sample)

7.6. Special Use Case: Diabetes

7.6.1. Inject insulin

7.6.2. monitor blood sugar

7.6.3. alert user

7.7. Needs different modes for user and doctor

8. Medical file storage

8.1. Saves important medical data

8.2. Available for different doctors and users

8.3. No device for UI design project?!

9. Special Requirements

9.1. Of Old People

9.1.1. Bad Sight

9.1.2. Not Familiar with modern technology

9.1.3. Bad Hearing

9.1.4. Clumsy (Device has to be robust)

9.2. Of Handicapped People

9.2.1. Blind (Braille Printing)

9.2.2. Limited Motion (Fine Motor Skills)

9.3. Of Mobile Devices

9.3.1. Robust

9.3.2. Maybe wearable design (e.g. bracelet)

9.3.3. Waterproof

9.3.4. Wireless Connection (WLAN / UMTS) Offline Mode Bulk Upload When Reconnecting

9.3.5. Battery Powered

9.3.6. Maybe synchronise with PC when at home

9.3.7. Application may be own device or software for existing hardware (PDA / iPhone)

10. Aspects of User Scenarios

10.1. User lives alone

10.2. User lives in isolated area

10.3. User is in treatment at a specific doctor

10.4. User can maintain independence through using the device/application (otherwise he may have stationary treatment)

11. Info Device

11.1. Display first aid instructions

11.2. Searchable "Hausmittel" (Self Medication) Info

11.3. Self Diagnostic Info

12. idea stephan

12.1. FACT monitoring devices on the way



12.2. PROBLEM patient has no advantages

12.2.1. devices focus on transmission of data from the patient to the doctor

12.2.2. good for the doctor, who does not need to see the patient in persona

12.2.3. what about the patient? back in the days: the doctor interpreted the data and told the patient to come: patient is at home and has no clue what is going on.


12.3. BRIDGE THE GAP - make the user know what's going on

12.3.1. no fancy hardware o fancy features

12.3.2. just an interface to help the patient understand his condition

12.4. possible project names

12.4.1. the hypochonders wet dream

12.5. SOLUTION - build easily accessible interface which helps the patient understand and gives him the information he wants to have