Salon Booking System - Appointments booking Wordpress plugin

Salon Booking System - Wordpress plugin - echosystem

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Salon Booking System - Appointments booking Wordpress plugin by Mind Map: Salon Booking System - Appointments booking Wordpress plugin

1. Add-on

1.1. Facebook Messenger Chat-bot

1.2. Multi-Shops

1.3. Payments gaeways

1.3.1. Worldpay

1.3.2. Paystack

1.3.3. Mollie

1.3.4. RedSys

1.3.5. Square

1.3.6. Paytrail

1.3.7. VivaWallet

1.3.8. Payengine

1.3.9. Custom payment gateways integration

1.4. SMS providers


1.4.2. OVH

1.4.3. Custom SMS providers integration

2. Support desk

2.1. onsite -for Premium users

2.2. support forum for free users

3. Official website

3.1. Plugin's documentation

3.2. Blog

3.3. Customers personal account

3.4. Plugin purchase

3.5. Download the FREE edition

4. Plugin's main features

4.1. Bookings management

4.1.1. Bookings calendar

4.1.2. Two-Ways Google Calendar synchronization

4.2. SMS Notifications

4.2.1. Twilio

4.2.2. Plivo

4.3. Payments methods

4.3.1. PayPal

4.3.2. Stripe

4.4. Avanced Discount System

4.5. Customers feedbacks collection

4.6. Customers history data

4.7. Reports

4.8. Multiple languages

4.8.1. WPML support

4.8.2. Polylang support

4.8.3. Languages translations managed trough

4.9. Services management

4.10. Assistants management

4.11. Plugin settings

5. Plugin Integrations


5.1.1. Third applications integrations

5.1.2. Custom apps

5.2. Mobile App (iOS / Android ) for Salon anagers and Salon staff members