1. Achievement for All Agenda
1.1. Teaching and Learning
1.2. Parental Engagement
1.3. Wider Opportunities
1.4. Leadership Management
1.5. Data Collection
2. Issues surrounding the use of ICT in Southern Africa (Zimbabwe)
2.1. digital divide exists
3. Teachers taking charge of their own professional learning: Twitter Contributions Saturday 12 January 2012
3.1. #mmafa Christina Preston awards MirandaNet Fellowships prior to the final session. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
3.2. Garath Jackson opening the final session. #mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
3.3. #mmafa Technology and tradition can work together Words2InspireUK Words To Inspire
3.4. Discussions on the ways in which technology mediated the sense of self.#mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
3.5. @eyebeams talking about 'forgetting about cameras' and modifying their behaviour to 'normal'. Hope he doesn't forget his cameras.#mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
3.6. Dave Smith, Havering
3.6.1. rachelala rachelala
3.6.2. #mmafa more examples of international schools collaborating using Facebook theokk theo kuechel
3.6.3. #mmafa again another example of schools using Facebook and twitter to connect with parents theokk theo kuechel
3.6.4. #mmafa Social networking can help improve attendance Words2InspireUK Words To Inspire
3.6.5. The power of social networking to raise motivation and attainment in Havering: sharing success.#mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
3.6.6. RT @mattpearson: Great pres at #mmafa by @davesmithict on practical tips for using social media to connect with parents theokk theo kuechel
3.6.7. RT @cyberbrikkie: power of social networking to raise motivation & attainment in Havering: sharing success #mmafa <echoes TeachMeet theokk theo kuechel
3.6.8. @mattpearson: #mmafa pres by @davesmithict practical tips for using social media to connect w/ parents < excellent! see also @Parents_GortCS catherinecronin Catherine Cronin
3.7. Jackie Holderness from AfA
3.7.1. Jackie Holderness from AfA on the power of structured conversations augmented by technology.#mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
3.8. Kayhan Karli from Turkey
3.8.1. #mmafa Kayhan Karli from Turkey speaking about the Teachers Academy Foundation theokk theo kuechel
3.8.2. #mmafa Contribution by a colleague from Turkey on the urgent need for professional development for teachers. Established foundation 3 yrs. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
3.8.3. #mmafa Teachers to teach teachers for professional development in Turkey. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
3.8.4. #mmafa Kayhan - describes programme of whole school blended learning CPD for teachers theokk theo kuechel
3.8.5. #mmafa Kayhan Karli: We believe that play is a key part of CPD Words2InspireUK Words To Inspire
3.8.6. #mmafa The power of play for teacher Professional development - Leadership for Learning in Turkey. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
3.8.7. Really interesting insights about Turkish Teacher CPD excellent presentation at #mmafa livestream.com/mirandanet eyebeams Leon Cych
3.9. Turkish CPD at #mmafa pic.twitter.com/QY5T2siy eyebeams Leon Cych
3.10. #mmafa Professional development is something you do for yourself - it's not done to you. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
3.11. Christina Preston
3.11.1. CPD should value children as well as teachers - Christina P #mmafa theokk theo kuechel
3.12. MirandaMod photos is.gd/ug4Wy2 #mmafa theokk theo kuechel
3.13. #mmafa live stream, pics and flash meeting links on wiki is.gd/KP7v73 theokk theo kuechel
3.14. A panorama of all the tech at #mmafa Achievement for All scroll around the room #Bett2012 pic.twitter.com/SdTYyQvm eyebeams Leon Cych
4. Developing global publishing opportunities: Twitter Contributions Saturday 12 January 2012
4.1. Ann Gilleran
4.1.1. Ann Gilleran next up at #mmafa talking about e-twinning - a social community for teachers. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
4.1.2. E-twinning being discussed - collaborative cpd communication between 150,000 teachers livestream.com/mirandanet #mmafa eyebeams Leon Cych
4.1.3. E- twinning in the UK is supported by the British Council, no cost for schools or teachers to take part #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson
4.1.4. RT @mattpearson: E- twinning in the UK is supported by the British Council, no cost for schools or teachers to take part #mmafa theokk theo kuechel
4.2. Podar Schools
4.2.1. #mmafa Podar Group of schools on now talking about powering teachers with technology theokk theo kuechel
4.2.2. Teachers from the Podar group of schools in India talking about empowering teachers through the use of ICT. #mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
4.2.3. Finally made it to #mmafa - hearing about 'professional learning to empower teachers' in India #domoreedu rachelala rachelala
4.2.4. #mmafa The Podar group of schools see the impact of ICT on motivation and learning. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
4.3. Marion Scott-Baker
4.3.1. #mmafa Marion Scott-Baker on collaborative projects with India: the challenges inherent in learning Reading and writing with English. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
4.3.2. #mmafa Marion Scott-Baker explains why English is a difficult language theokk theo kuechel Marion Scott-Baker on the challenges of English orthography - teaching synthetic phonics. #mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell Very interesting talk by head of Cheam School on shared approaches to learning reading with schools on India #mmafa rachelala rachelala
4.4. #mmafa http://www. Word2inspire.org cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
4.5. David Obst
4.5.1. David Obst now- his first talk in English researching the issue of training teachers to use IWBs after they have been installed. #mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
4.6. Benjamin Semwayo
4.6.1. #mmafa Interesting cross-cultural issues of semantics in education. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
4.6.2. #mmafa Benjamin Semwayo on issues surrounding the use of ICT in southern Africa - and the rest of the continent. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
4.6.3. Ben Semawayo talking about use of ed tech in Africa #mmafa theokk theo kuechel
4.6.4. 99% of students using mobile phones not computers #mmafa #Africa theokk theo kuechel
4.6.5. #mmafa Ben on why some African regimes are reluctant to embrace the power of ICT (and social networking ...) cyberbrikkie John Cuthell
4.6.6. Developing countries use of edtech hampered by governments suspicion of social media #mmafa theokk theo kuechel
4.7. Great time at #BETT #MMAFA we made new friends in Singapore & America as well as making many new friends at home. So many new ideas to work andrewcuthbert Andrew Cuthbert
5. Andrée Jordan (by email) International Projects and their Influence on Learning
6. The E-twinning (social community for teachers)
6.1. provides a collaboration community tool (Twinspace) for teachers and professionals on projects and CPD communication
6.1.1. Available at www.etwinning.net
7. Empowering teachers with modern technology (India Podar Group of School)
7.1. utilising and implementing technology
7.1.1. acknowledging value of learning and using technology as a motivation to learning