Bill Archibald's Engl 311 online

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Bill Archibald's Engl 311 online by Mind Map: Bill Archibald's Engl 311 online

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1.1.1. Start here

1.1.2. News

1.1.3. Daily Jing

1.1.4. Syllabus&Schedule

1.1.5. Blog/Podcast

1.2. Content

1.2.1. View&Dos

1.2.2. Papers

1.2.3. Supplements

1.3. Discussion

1.4. Dropbox

1.5. Class list

1.6. Grades

2. Google

2.1. Gmail

2.2. Gdocs

2.2.1. post,share&comment papers

2.3. Gforms

2.3.1. pre-course survey

2.4. Voice chat (voh)

3. My website

3.1. Syllabus&Schedule

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3.3. Papers etc

3.3.1. peer reviews

3.3.2. rubrics

4. Course text

4.1. Best Essays text

4.2. other e-texts

5. Dropbox

6. Resources (click on the arrow)

6.1. course intro

6.2. start here page

6.3. Jing

6.4. mindmeister