Black Box Testing vs White Box Testing

Black Box Testing vs White Box Testing

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Black Box Testing vs White Box Testing por Mind Map: Black Box Testing vs White Box Testing

1. Black Box Testing

2. It is a way of software testing in which the internal

3. White Box Testing

4. It is a way of testing the software in which the tester has

5. knowledge about the internal structure r the code or the program of the software

6. structure or the program or the code is hidden and nothing is known about it

7. It is mostly done by software developers.

8. It is mostly done by software testers.

9. No knowledge of implementation is needed.

9.1. It is the inner or the internal software testing.

10. It can be referred as outer or external software testing.

11. It is the inner or the internal software testing.

12. It is functional test of the software.

13. structure or the program or the code is hidden and nothing is known about it.