1. "...Expect the experts to be negative. The more expert and specialized a person becomes, the more their mindset becomes narrowed and the more fixated they become on confirming what they believe to be absolute. Consequently, when confronted with new and different ideas, their focus will be on conformity. Does it conform with what I know is right? If not, experts will spend all their time showing and explaining why it can't be done and why it can't work. They will not look for ways to make it work or get it done because this might demonstrate that what they regarded as absolute is not absolute at all..."
1.1. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/creative-thinkering/201112/twelve-things-you-were-not-taught-in-school-about-creative-thinking
2. Wisdom of the Crowds
2.1. Open Source
2.2. Open Innovations
2.3. Open Learning
2.4. Open Culture
2.5. Open ...
2.6. Open Data
3. Rethink the Prosperity System
3.1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/sustainable-business/blog/co-operatives-worker-ownership
3.2. Scarcity is an Illusion We Created Ourselves
3.2.1. Rethink the Unfairness of the Unbalance between Scarcity and Abundance
3.3. Scarce Resources Can be Shared
3.4. Taking the Scare out of Scarcity The human community occupies a planet of finite resources. As population grows, people and nations will necessarily compete with increasing ferocity. Scarcity-driven crises will provoke dramatic oscillations in human welfare, leading almost inevitably to a collapse of civilization http://thecomingprosperity.blogspot.com/
3.5. http://www.reliableprosperity.org/
4. Rethink the Management System
4.1. Stoos
4.1.1. The Stoos Network http://www.stoosnetwork.org http://www.stoosnetwork.org/stoos-group-blogs/ What is the problem? http://www.stoosnetwork.org/what-is-the-problem/ http://wiki-management.com/blog/ http://agileforest.com/2012/01/15/stoosonians-unite/ Stoos Network (part 1): About Communication http://www.noop.nl/2012/01/about-our-stoos-communication.html Stoos Network (part 2): Stakeholders & Personas http://www.noop.nl/2012/01/stoos-network-part-2-stakeholders-personas.html Stoos Network (part 3): Core Idea http://www.noop.nl/2012/01/stoos-network-part-3-core-idea.html Stoos Network (part 4): Name & Identity http://www.noop.nl/2012/01/stoos-network-part-4-name-identity.html Stoos Network (part 5): Complaints & Complexity http://www.noop.nl/2012/01/stoos-network-part-5-complaints-complexity.html Stoos Network (part 6): Goal & Outcomes http://www.noop.nl/2012/01/stoos-network-part-6-goal-outcomes.html Stoos Network (part 7): What's Next? http://www.noop.nl/2012/01/stoos-network-part-7-whats-next.html http://debategraph.org/home
4.1.2. Twitter https://twitter.com/#search?q=stoos
4.1.3. Stoos communique https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgy2BI9ynNY
4.1.4. Stoos LinkedIn Group http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=4243114
4.1.5. Prelude http://www.noop.nl/2012/01/prelude-to-stoos.html
4.1.6. Stoos Gathering http://www.noop.nl/2012/01/your-input-for-the-stoos-gathering.html
4.1.7. Stoos Catalyst #stoos success will require many, many, many (many) more teams, each tackling diverse challenges, in diverse ways
4.1.8. Stoos 1st announcement http://www.scrum-breakfast.com/2011/12/stoos-global-management-warming-starts.html
4.1.9. YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/StoosNetwork
4.1.10. http://www.agileminds.be/event/6
4.1.11. http://www.unmanagement.net/unmanagement/
4.2. MIX
4.2.1. http://www.managementexchange.com
4.3. http://www.slowmanagement.nl/
4.4. Hierarchical, Networked or Hybrid?
4.4.1. Command and Control Style - Separation dominant Command styles (http://www.dtic.mil/dticasd/sbir/sbir043/a30a.pdf , page 31)
4.4.2. Networked Style - Integration dominant
4.5. http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/25641/management-and-leadership
5. Rethink the Growth System
5.1. The end of bigger. The start of better. Creating global prosperity without economic growth http://postgrowth.org https://www.facebook.com/postgrowth
5.2. http://oneearthweb.org/
5.3. The Many Benefits of Working Less
5.3.1. http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/new-livelihoods/less-work-more-living
5.4. Take it Easy, We reached the end of eternal growth
5.4.1. Say goodbye to Red Ocean, Greed Oriented Strategies
5.4.2. Say Hi to Blue Ocean, Sharing Oriented Strategies
5.4.3. Say hi to Growth Strategies Suited for the Long Tail
5.4.4. Forgive those who thought Eternal growth was possible (they probably just didn't know better)
5.5. A talk by Dr. Albert Bartlett on the unsustainability of our growth at all costs economic model http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOrvGDRLT7A http://wn.com/Arithmetic,_Population_and_Energy
5.6. http://www.kurzweilai.net/crowdsourcing-a-tedx-talk-on-the-next-10-years
5.7. http://www.singularity.com/charts/page17.html
5.8. http://www.kurzweilai.net/singularity-q-a
5.9. http://www.kurzweilai.net/when-the-singularity-happens-it-will-be-very-obvious-vernor-vinge
5.10. TEDtalk - The Earth is Full
5.10.1. http://www.ted.com/talks/paul_gilding_the_earth_is_full.html
5.11. TEDtalk - Abundance is our Future
5.11.1. http://www.ted.com/talks/peter_diamandis_abundance_is_our_future.html
5.12. http://simbeckhampson.com/2012/04/15/new-post-exponential-function-exponential-function-exponential-function
5.13. http://simbeckhampson.com/2012/04/16/sustaining-that-which-is-not-sustainable/
6. Rethink the Economic System
6.1. http://neweconomicsinstitute.org/
6.2. http://www.neweconomics.org/
6.3. http://metacurrency.org/
6.4. http://www.justfortheloveofit.org/
6.5. http://www.moraleconomy.org/index.html
6.6. http://neweconomicsinstitute.org/
6.7. http://www.weforum.org/
6.8. Rethink the Efficiency/Effectiveness Balance
6.9. https://www.facebook.com/neweconomics
6.10. http://www.theeconomicsofhappiness.org/
6.11. http://www.beyond-eco.org/2012/01/davos-misunderstanding-of-capitalism-the-radical-entrepreneurship-needed-for-the-future/
6.12. http://metacurrency.org
6.13. Reimagining Capitalism—as Principled, Patient, and Truly Social
6.13.1. http://www.managementexchange.com/blog/m-prize/reimagining-capitalism-principled-patient-and-truly-social
7. Rethink the Education System
7.1. @transarchitect
7.1.1. We need to get out of our industrial model of education, switch to an organic model. #neweducationnotschooling
7.2. http://www.solonline.org/
7.3. Rethink Strategy Schools
7.3.1. Easycratie http://easycratie.nl/blog/
7.3.2. Blue Ocean Strategies
7.4. Learning Society
7.4.1. Learning Organizations
7.4.2. Veil of Forgetfulness
7.5. Educate Changemakers
7.5.1. http://www.knowmads.nl/home/blog/ How we can change the world together http://www.knowmads.nl/free-lecture-about-swarming/
7.6. #realtimelearning Things move so fast now that formal training cannot keep up - learning has to happen in networks and through social media as we go @transarchitect
7.7. http://www.edushockexperience.nl/
7.8. thedreamfly.org is a global initiative that strives to create human connections across communities in conflict through education, exposure, and empowerment for a better, unified future.
7.9. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/index.shtml
8. Rethink the Political System
8.1. http://www.preservenet.com/
9. Rethink the Governmental System
10. Rethink the Justice System
10.1. Unwrap the Justice System to find true Justice
10.2. Universal Law of Free Will
10.3. Universal Law of Attraction
10.4. WiserEarth helps the global movement of people and organizations working toward social justice, indigenous rights, and environmental stewardship to connect, collaborate, share knowledge, and build alliances. http://www.wiserearth.org
11. Rethink the Leadership System
11.1. http://www.gcsl.eu/wp/begin
11.2. Distributed Leadership
11.2.1. Designing Freedom (Stafford Beer) Law of Requisite Variety (Ashby)
11.3. Servant Leadership
11.4. Universal Law of Free Will
11.4.1. Everyone can choose to be a Leader of Follower
11.5. http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/02/is_command_and_collaborate_the.html
11.6. Occupy Mainstream Leadership http://hetnieuwewerkenblog.nl/occupy-mainstream-leadership-naar-een-nieuwe-vorm-van-leiderschap/
12. Rethink the Ethics System
12.1. http://globalethic.org/
13. Rethink the Architecture
13.1. http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/social-architecture-manifesto
13.2. http://architectureforhumanity.org/
13.3. http://www.architectural-review.com/the-big-rethink/the-big-rethink-integral-theory/8626996.article
14. Rethink the System of Systems System
14.1. Make everything as simple as possible but not simpler (Einstein)
14.2. Remove all abstractions or layers that don't seem to add value (unwrap the mummy to rediscover her true, essential and original intent)
14.3. SIMPLE
14.3.1. http://weblog.abc-thinkbig.com/#post111
14.4. http://www.millenniumdoelen.nl/home/Homepage
14.5. Occupy movement
14.5.1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_movement
14.5.2. http://postgrowth.org/asset-mapping-occupy/
14.5.3. http://www.studiooccupy.org
14.6. Start Integrating Left (Rational thinking) with Right (Intuitive thinking) Hemispheres
14.7. Forget thinking Inside the Box
14.7.1. Start thinking Outside the Box
14.8. Replace Fear With Love
14.9. RELAX! Nothing is under Control ~Adi Da Samray
14.10. If you can’t explain it to your grandmother, forget it! (Luc Galoppin)
14.11. Rethink the invention of the Wheel
14.11.1. Address those that 'get it' with those who self initiate, those that don't (yet) 'get it' hopefully will follow
14.12. http://pauldeblot.nl/blog/
14.13. http://verbinden2012.nl/
14.14. http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2011/06/global-system-architects-%E2%80%93-tomorrows-new-power-brokers/
14.15. http://www.unfetteredmind.org/learned-helplessness
14.16. The Institute for the Future (IFTF) is an independent nonprofit research group. We work with organizations of all kinds to help them make better, more informed decisions about the future. We provide the foresight to create insights that lead to action. http://www.iftf.org/about
14.17. http://www.happyplanetindex.org/engage/charter.html
14.18. AVAAZ http://desocialemedia.visibli.com/share/TRnagA
14.19. We are a non-profit organisation working globally with business and government to create a sustainable future. http://www.forumforthefuture.org/
14.20. Change the world by changing how people think about the world http://www.hsdinstitute.org/
14.21. Emergence Collective invites daring individuals to join us as collaborators in our work creating a prototype of the future http://www.emergence.cc/
14.22. http://longnow.org
14.23. http://connoropolous.thenewhive.com/metamap-the-movement
14.24. - from scarcity to abundance - from finite to infinite value - from ownership to stewardship - from transactional to relational - information hoarding to knowledge creation - from isolation to cocreation - from passive consumer to active producer http://emergentbydesign.com/2012/02/09/bootstrapping-humanitys-next-os/
14.25. http://menemania.typepad.com/helene_finidori/
14.26. The Institute of Community, Business and Personal Transformation http://transform.org
14.27. The Center for Human Emergence will help facilitate the conscious emergence of the human species using a synthesis of profound breakthroughs in human knowledge and capabilities, encompassing natural pattern coherence, mega-integration, unification, expanded whole mind capacity, deep intelligence and consciousness http://www.humanemergence.org/
14.28. The Agora Project, a group dedicated to creating a better future through free and open interactions http://www.theagoraproject.org/
14.29. The SingularAcacemy is going to become our collaborative place to prepare humanity for accelerating technological change and to invent our TimeToCome. https://singularacademy.appspot.com
14.29.1. https://singularacademy.appspot.com/WikiWall
14.30. http://thenextedge.org/
14.31. http://jaycousins.wordpress.com/2012/02/23/guidelines-for-building-parallel-economies-thoughts-in-beta/
14.32. Campaigning for Health, Justice, Sustainability, Peace and Democracy http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_5148.cfm
14.33. Imagine Your World What do you dream of for your community? What would life look like if you could design it? We all have dreams and ideas to make the world better. We believe there is enormous power in the sharing of those ideas. The Future We Want is a global conversation to build the future through a positive vision for tomorrow. http://futurewewant.org/
14.34. http://www.worldtrans.org/
15. Rethink the Organizational System
15.1. http://www.z11org.nl/zelf/home.do
15.2. http://beroepseer.nl/
15.3. http://www.organisatieactivist.nl/www/
15.4. Connecting Communities for Emergence (http://www.evolutionarynexus.org/wiki/organizing_patterns)
15.5. http://www.hetnieuweorganiseren.org/index.php/category/blogs/
15.6. Diversity is one of the Pillars
15.7. http://www.nieuworganiseren.nu/opinie/blogs/een-duivels-dilemma/
15.8. http://www.organizationdesignforum.org/
15.9. Shift your organization from ego-driven to evolution-powered
15.9.1. http://www.holacracy.org/
15.10. http://www.worldblu.com/democratic-design/
15.11. The purpose of this site is to support pragmatic, visionary leaders in transforming their organizations in ways that make a lasting difference for all involved. It is designed to support pioneering leaders in unleashing the unlimited potential within their organization's membership. http://theinfinitegames.org/
15.12. http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/berkmanat10/2008/02/shirky
16. Rethink the Social System
16.1. http://www.ncsi.nl/
16.2. http://www.society30.com/wiki
16.3. http://www.menscentraal.nl/
16.4. http://www.socialartistryinstitute.org/
17. Rethink the Socio-Economic System
17.1. http://www.rijnland-weblog.nl/
18. Rethink the Knowledge System
18.1. Knowledge Sharing
18.1.1. If each element ‘knew’ what was happening to the system as a whole, all of the complexity would have to be present in that element (Kurt A. Richardson)
18.2. Accelerating Intelligence http://www.kurzweilai.net/
19. Rethinking the Industrial System
19.1. Third Industrial Revolution (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_Industrial_Revolution)
20. Rethink the Award System
20.1. Forgive those who were Greedy
20.2. http://www.gorowe.com/know-rowe/what-is-rowe/
21. Rethink the Wisdom System
21.1. The World Cafe is a natural & effective way to host meaningful conversations that awaken collective wisdom & engage collaborative action. http://www.theworldcafecommunity.org/
22. Rethink the Business System
22.1. http://www.neweconomics.org/blog/2012/01/25/is-it-time-for-spirituality-in-business
22.2. The Corporate Compassing Grid http://www.ontdrenthen.nl/foot-prints.html
22.2.1. Empower Companies http://www.ontdrenthen.nl/foot-prints/219-het-corporate-compassion-grid-deel-1-empower-companies.html
22.2.2. Servant Companies http://www.ontdrenthen.nl/foot-prints/220-het-corporate-compassion-grid-deel-2-servant-companies-.html
22.2.3. Incarnation Companies http://www.ontdrenthen.nl/foot-prints/221-het-corporate-compassion-grid-deel-3-incarnation-companies-.html
22.2.4. Green Ocean Companies http://www.ontdrenthen.nl/foot-prints/222-het-corporate-compassion-grid-deel-4-green-ocean-companies-.html
23. Rethink the Sustainable System
23.1. The Earth Dashboard provides an unprecedented experience that adds new perspectives and transparency to critical information about our planet’s sustainability http://earthdash.org/
24. Rethink the Culture System
24.1. http://longnow.org
25. Rethink The Energy System
25.1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GFst2IQBEM
26. Rethink the Consciousness System
26.1. http://noosphere.princeton.edu/
26.2. http://www.kurzweilai.net/how-to-make-movies-of-the-brains-thoughts
26.3. Global Consciousness
26.3.1. http://noosphere.princeton.edu/
26.3.2. http://www.noosphereforum.org/main.html