Advocacy -COMM 104

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Advocacy -COMM 104 by Mind Map: Advocacy -COMM 104

1. Organizations

1.1. Fisher House Organization;

1.1.1. Programs: Newman’s own Awards: sees how families have the struggle mentally, economically, and physically, with their soliders transitions, deploments and seperations, and personally. Hero’s Legacy Scholarship: program honors those whom have fallen and been disabled while serving post 9/11.

1.1.2. “Builds homes where military and veterans families can stay for free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital.”

1.1.3. History:

1.1.4. the foundation from Pauline Trust, wife of Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Carlisle Trust, presents to Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher the need for temporary lodging facilities for families of major military centers.

1.2. Hope for the Warriors;

1.2.1. “No man left behind”: statue is the root of orginization. Life to iconic moment, and the brotherhood created on every level of humistic belief created.

1.2.2. Provides:

1.2.3. Medical care, mental health counsiling, professional training and education, physical conditioning and transition services for wounded, ill, and injured Marines and Saliors.

1.3. Bob Woodruff Foundation;

1.3.1. “Ensure our nation’s impacted veterans, service members, and families have access to highest level of support and resouces they deserve, as long as they need them.” We ask for people to stand up for heros so that we can find, fund, and shape innovative programs that help our veterans, service members, and families thrive.

1.3.2. #Stand4Heros

1.3.3. Bob Woodruff armored vehical was hit by a roadside bomb, in Iraq. Bob was reporting on a transfore of power between the US and Iraqi Security forces for ABCs “World News Tonight”. Quick action by soliders and miltary medical professionals, his life was saved. Bob spent 36 days in a medical induced coma and was introduced to the hidden wounds so many soliders and families face.

1.3.4. To create long-lasting positive outcomes for our nations wounded, ill, and injured verterans, service members, and family

2. Reasons

2.1. Vietnam;

2.1.1. “18.7% lifetime history of PTSD” “Veteran battle for their psycological injury(s) faced and faster acceptance of PTSD”

2.1.2. “Also documintation of the impact of other war horrors, bombing of hiroshima, brain washing of Prisonors of War.”

2.1.3. “The National Vietnam Veterns’ Readjustment study was a turning point in defining the psycholgical costs of war”

2.1.4. “Flood of mental casualities amoungt the combiniations of WW1 and WW2 due to 20th centry focus on Mental Health”

2.1.5. “It was a ferment of the protests against the Vietnam War in the US that lead to the studies of the effects of War Service.”

2.2. Iraq


2.2.2. Increase of mental illness, alcohol abuse is servely linked to service status. The transition back to Civi life= scared and depressed


2.2.4. Asymmetric type of welfare, repeated tours of duty, lack of clearly defined mission. Most issues have gone unnoticed potential dangers by our military personnel talk toll and make re-entry to Civi life even harder.

2.3. 9/11;

2.3.1. Pentagon’s Opperation Solace Plan: proactive behavioral health response. Most likely to be diagnosed 6 months after 65% showed resilence. Never dropped below 33%. 9/11 related loss= 2 times more likely for PTSD suffer job loss Army behavioral health consults in psychiantry, psycology, and social work immidently after 9/11. Goal: Minimize short and long term adverse behavioral and related in response “Overview of mental health intervention following September 11, 2001 Pentagon Attack. By behavioral health devision, health policy, and services.” US Army Medical Command, Fort Sam, Houston TX

3. Polices

3.1. Tramatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurence;

3.1.1. Provides: automatic tramatic injury coverage to all service members covered by this insurence. short term finacial help to severly injured service members and veterens to assist in recovery.

3.1.2. Covers; Combat and On and Off Duty.

3.2. Wounded Warrior Project;

3.2.1. “There is always another goal to achieve, another mission to discover. We are their partner in that mission.”

3.2.2. “We are here for their first step, adn each step that follows. Because we believe that every warrior should have a positive future to look forward to.”

3.2.3. How we Help: Warrior Care Network Mental Health Support Peer Support Benefits Service Alumni Program Soilder Ride Physical Wellness Warriors to Work Personal Independence

3.2.4. “Every warrior has a next mission. We know that the transition to civilian life is a journey. And for every warrior, family member, and caregiver, that journey looks different.”

4. People

4.1. Chris Kyle Frog Foundation;

4.1.1. “Prior to passing, Kyle in 2013, he created a vision for CKFF programs to support military and first responder communities. Taya and CKFF team are fulfilling his vision through the development and delivery of life-changing, impactful programs and services to support communities across the nation.”

4.1.2. C. Kyle:

4.1.3. Most lethal sniper in US history, always cared most about the number of lives he saved. Raised as an All-American Cowboy who loves God, his country, and his family.

4.1.4. Built on 4 Solid Pilars:

4.1.5. Loyalty: commited to God, Country, and families who serve

4.1.6. Empowerment: empowering families to thrive

4.1.7. Integrity: honesty and transparency in our programs, funding, and communities

4.1.8. Excellence: reflecting the service excellence that our constituents provide in service to their communities and countries

4.2. Give an Hour;

4.2.1. Treatments:

4.2.2. Anxiety

4.2.3. Depression

4.2.4. Substance Abuse

4.2.5. PTSD

4.2.6. Tramatic Brain Injury

4.2.7. Sexual Health and Intemacy Concerns

4.2.8. Loss and Griving

4.2.9. Giving a free hour per week to whomever needs service

4.2.10. More than 6,000 licensed mental health professionals in all 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and Guam.

4.2.11. Mission:

4.2.12. “to develop national networks of volunteers capable of responding to both acute and chronic conditions that arise within our society. By harnessing the skill and expertise of volunteer professionals, we are able to increase the likelihood that those in need receive the support and care they deserve.”