Part of debate

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Part of debate por Mind Map: Part of debate

1. Research

1.1. A purpose investigation to confirm in the real world

1.2. You have something you don't know you can find it in internet

1.3. Use books the internet people etc to find information

1.4. investigate

1.5. Research to find evidence for your claim

2. Public Speaking

2.1. Eye contact

2.2. Stand up straight

2.3. Body language

2.4. Loud and clear voice

2.5. Articulate

2.5.1. Speak clearly

2.6. Be confident

2.7. Practice

3. Collaboration

3.1. Work together

3.2. Team work

3.3. Share idea

3.4. Support each other

3.5. Help each other research

3.6. Be patient and understanding

3.7. Explain

4. Topic

4.1. Be specific

4.2. What you are debating about

4.3. Subject

4.4. Theme

4.5. idea

5. Claim/Argument

5.1. You have different opinion when you talk with other people

5.2. Claim

5.2.1. Opinion with evidence

5.3. Perspective

5.3.1. Point of view the way you see things

5.4. Agree/Disagree

5.5. Use evidence to support your claim

5.6. Opposing side