1. Chemical Relaxing
1.1. Thio
1.2. Sodium hydroxide
1.3. Sulfide Cysteine
1.4. Guaranine Hydroxide
2. Perming
2.1. Traditional Perming
2.1.1. concave rods patchwork
2.1.2. Effalock rods drop crown wrap
2.1.3. Bender rods
2.1.4. Spiral perms Double rod wrap Decreasing radius spiral
2.1.5. Sigel rods
2.1.6. Trash bag wrap
2.2. Air neutralized perming
2.3. The Rules of Perming
3. Styling
3.1. iron
3.1.1. Marcelle iron
3.1.2. Flat iron
3.1.3. Triple iron
3.1.4. Crimping iron
3.1.5. Bamboo
3.2. Formals
3.2.1. Chignon Fantasy Traditional
3.2.2. Braids
3.2.3. Zulu knots
3.2.4. Ornamentation
3.2.5. Updo's
3.2.6. Downdo's
3.3. Round brush
3.3.1. flip
3.3.2. curl
3.4. Denman
3.4.1. Bob
3.4.2. Gradiant
3.4.3. Root lift
3.5. Sulpting
3.5.1. random volume
3.5.2. ghost fingerwaves
3.5.3. weight line
3.5.4. Jaws
3.5.5. Twigging
4. L.O.V.E.
4.1. Styles
4.1.1. visual
4.1.2. auditory
4.1.3. kinesthetic
4.2. Contents
4.2.1. logos
4.2.2. pathos
4.2.3. ethos
4.2.4. eros
4.3. Procedure of evidence
4.4. Eye Flash
4.5. Nonverbal communication
4.5.1. eye contact
4.5.2. hand shake
4.6. transfer of product ownership
4.7. Theory theory
4.7.1. The ability to predict outcomes
4.8. L.O.V.E. study guide
4.8.1. L.O.V.E. test
4.9. Ulterior/Planned communication
4.10. Why "scripting" doesn't work.
5. Luxury Treatments
5.1. Scalp treatment
5.2. Indian Head massage
6. Scalp services
6.1. Red light therapy
6.2. Scalp treatment with massage
6.3. Red Laser comb / high frequency comb
6.4. Swedish massage machine
6.5. Indian Head Massage
7. Professional Services
7.1. Resume writing
7.2. Photoshoots for portfolio
7.3. Weddings
7.4. Mentoring
7.5. Consulting
8. Extensions
8.1. Human Hair Glue
8.2. Human Hair Clip
8.3. Individual Feathers
8.4. Feather Strings
8.5. Tools
9. Haircutting
9.1. Clipper cutting
9.1.1. Fade
9.1.2. Taper
9.1.3. Flattop
9.1.4. Davis Curve Combs
9.1.5. Flattopper
9.1.6. Guard vs no Guard
9.1.7. Lever Adjustments
9.2. Condensed cutting
9.2.1. Volumetric Volumetric Concave Volumetric Convex
9.2.2. Geometric Geometric Concave Volumetric Convex
9.2.3. Trimetric Trimetric Projection
9.2.4. Triangulation
9.3. Traditional cutting
9.3.1. The Bob
9.3.2. Diagonal layers
9.3.3. Vertical layers
9.3.4. Horizontal elevation
9.3.5. Elevated Bob "Stacks"
9.3.6. Gradiant
9.3.7. Veneer Layers
9.4. Scissor Techniques
9.4.1. scissor over comb
9.4.2. notching
9.4.3. silky blenders
9.4.4. 3 shears
9.4.5. scissor over flattopper
9.5. Texturizing techniques
9.5.1. Schwinging
9.5.2. Tipping
9.5.3. Shredding
9.5.4. Trimetric tipping
9.5.5. Effilating
9.5.6. Piquetage
9.6. Style design
9.7. The Rules of Haircutting
9.7.1. Short hair pushes long hair
9.7.2. Corners make anchors
9.7.3. There are not bad haircutters just bad combers
9.7.4. The hair as curtains
9.7.5. Laser experiment
9.7.6. Rules of Balance
9.8. About Scissors (& Shears)
9.8.1. Forged vs Stamped
9.8.2. German style vs Japanese style Serrated Ha Ma Geri Ba
9.8.3. Alloys
9.9. American vs English vs French vs Spanish vs Italian haircutting
10. Coloring
10.1. Highlighting
10.1.1. Foil
10.1.2. Ballyage hand painting Shoeshine
10.2. Formulation
10.3. Tint touch ups
10.4. All over color
10.5. Fantasy color
10.6. All color manufacturers lie!
10.6.1. How to save money in your dispensary
10.7. Color correction
10.8. Color removers
10.9. Bleach
10.10. The Rules of Color
10.11. The Color Wheel
10.12. Why Italian Hair Colors are the best colors in the world!
11. Marketing
11.1. Business cards
11.1.1. Traditional cards
11.1.2. Specialist cards
11.2. Service menu
11.2.1. Design
11.2.2. Execution
11.2.3. Sync with retail
11.3. Website
11.3.1. Design
11.3.2. Content
11.3.3. Search words
11.3.4. Cross links
11.4. Brochure
11.4.1. Design
11.5. Portfolio
11.5.1. photoshoots for marketing
11.6. Guerilla Marketing
12. Client amenities
12.1. Coffee
12.2. Tea
12.3. Confirmations
12.4. Policies
12.5. Pop
12.6. Mulled Cider
12.7. Iced Water
13. Textbook Stuff
13.1. Chapter 1 Cosmetology: The History and Opportunities
13.1.1. Chapter 1 test Printable test
13.2. Chapter 2 Life Skills
13.2.1. Chapter 2 test Printable test
13.3. Chapter 3 Your Professional Image
13.3.1. Chapter 3 test Printable test
13.4. Chapter 4 Communicating for Success
13.4.1. Chapter 4 test Printable test
13.5. Chapter 5 Infection Control: Principles and Practice
13.5.1. Chapter 5 test Printable test
13.6. Chapter 6 Anatomy and Physiology
13.6.1. Chapter 6 test Printable test
13.7. Chapter 7 Basics of Chemistry and Electricity
13.7.1. Chapter 7 test Printable test
13.8. Chapter 8 Properties of the Hair and Scalp
13.8.1. Chapter 8 test Printable test
13.9. Chapter 9 Principles of Hair Design
13.9.1. Chapter 9 test
13.10. Chapter 10 Shampooing, Rinsing, and Conditioning
13.10.1. Chapter 10 test
13.11. Chapter 11 Haircutting
13.11.1. Chapter 11 test
13.12. Chapter 12 Hairstyling
13.12.1. Chapter 12 test
13.13. Chapter 13 Braiding and Braid Extensions
13.13.1. Chapter 13 test
13.14. Chapter 14 Wigs and Hair Enhancements
13.14.1. Chapter 14 test
13.15. Chapter 15 Chemical Texture services
13.15.1. Chapter 15 test
13.16. Chapter 16 Haircoloring
13.16.1. Chapter 16 test
13.17. Chapter 17 Histology of the Skin
13.17.1. Chapter 17 test
13.18. Chapter 18 Hair Removal
13.18.1. Chapter 18 test
13.19. Chapter 19 Facials
13.19.1. Chapter 19 test
13.20. Chapter 20 Facial Makeup
13.20.1. Chapter 20 test
13.21. Chapter 21 Nail Structure and Growth
13.21.1. Chapter 21 test
13.22. Chapter 22 Manicuring and Pedicuring
13.22.1. Chapter 22 test
13.23. Chapter 23 Advanced Nail Techniques
13.23.1. Chapter 23 test
13.24. Chapter 24 The Salon Business
13.24.1. Chapter 24 test
13.25. Chapter 25 Seeking Employment
13.25.1. Chapter 25 test
13.26. Chapter 26 On the Job
13.26.1. Chapter 26 test