Planning Meeting

Scrum Planning Meeting

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Planning Meeting by Mind Map: Planning Meeting

1. Legend

1.1. Priority Importance indicators

1.1.1. High Priority

1.1.2. Medium Priority

1.1.3. Low Priority

1.2. Task Completion indicators

1.2.1. Not Started

1.2.2. 25% complete

1.2.3. 50% complete

1.2.4. 75% complete

1.2.5. Done

1.3. Flags and Icons

1.3.1. Flags

1.3.2. Icons

1.4. Terms

1.4.1. PO Product Owner

1.4.2. SM ScrumMaster

2. Action Items

2.1. Action Item 1

2.2. Action Item 2

3. Notes

4. Preparation

4.1. Calendar

4.1.1. Room

4.1.2. People

4.2. Product owner ready

4.3. Material

4.3.1. Story Cards White Yellow Blue

4.3.2. Task Cards

4.3.3. Post-it

4.3.4. Poker Cards

4.3.5. rubber

4.3.6. Pencils

4.3.7. notebook

4.4. Room

4.4.1. food

4.4.2. drinks

4.4.3. Beamer, Notebook

4.5. Coach

4.5.1. Mindset

5. Participants

5.1. Product Owner

5.2. Team

5.3. others

6. Goals

6.1. Goal 1

6.2. Goal 2

6.3. Goal 3

7. Agenda

7.1. Kickoff Product Owner

7.1.1. Sprint goal? in business terms

7.2. Dates

7.2.1. Availability

7.2.2. Velocity

7.2.3. Start

7.2.4. End

7.3. Estimation

7.3.1. Story Point Unit

7.3.2. Estimations

7.4. Schedule Daily

7.5. Reality Check

7.6. Tasks Breakdown