Mohammad Ali cases

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Mohammad Ali cases by Mind Map: Mohammad Ali cases

1. how temperature contribute to collapsed ?

1.1. =Heat stroke is treated by immediately pouring any available liquid over the victim so evaporation can cool the body. But heat stroke should never happen; you can tell when it's coming. First, your muscles burn and hurt. Then you start to have difficulty breathing; each breath burns your lungs. By the time your brain is affected -- you may feel dizzy, your ears may ring, your head may ache, your vision may be blurred and you may have a feeling of impending gloom -- it may be too late.

1.2. vAlmost every time an athlete collapses suddenly in an endurance event, he or she is near the end of the competition, or has just stopped. Sudden collapse rarely occurs during competition. This fact supports the argument for a sudden rise in body temperature:

2. physiological of exercises

2.1. central nervous system (through somatic and autonomic system .the supply of blood and oxygen maintain

2.2. metabolism ( increase liver glucose from glycogenolysis .increase in adipose tissue lipolysis and free fatty acid mobilization

2.3. oxygen transport(increase uptake of oxygen ,increase heart rate,increase ventilation arteriial and haemoglobin maintain

2.4. skeletal muscle(increase ATP, increase glygogenolysis ,glucose uptake ,increase oxygen utilization ,CO2 ,heat production ,increase blood flow

3. different between regulation of temperature in normal and disease

3.1. cold Sweating: Your sweat glands release sweat, which cools your skin as it evaporates. This helps lower your internal temperature. Vasodilatation: The blood vessels under your skin get wider. This increases blood flow to your skin where it is cooler — away from your warm inner body. This lets your body release heat through heat radiation.=

3.1.1. when someone with disease it will slow the rate of thermoregulation but for someone with chronic disease,it may cause the control f body temparute not be perform .

3.2. hot Vasoconstriction: The blood vessels under your skin become narrower. This decreases blood flow to your skin, retaining heat near the warm inner body. Thermogenesis:Your body’s muscles, organs, and brain produce heat in a variety of ways. For example, muscles can produce heat by shivering. Hormonal thermogenesis: Your thyroid gland releases hormones to increase your metabolism. This increases the energy your body creates and the amount of heat it produces.=

3.2.1. skin(increase in sweat rate for heat control )

4. Blood pressure regulation

4.1. when decline of blood pressure ,it stimulate vasomotor center at hypothalamus and the vasomotor fibers stimulate vasoconstriction .it also increase the symphathethic impulses to heart ,cardiac output also increase ,increase in the periperal resistence .so increase in cardiac output ,heart rate and contractility increse and resistence return the blood pressure to normal range

4.1.1. cafdiac output =heart rate and stroke volume

4.1.2. peripheral resistense =the resistance of the arteries is related to the overall compliance characteristic

5. vagus nerve stimulation

5.1. the doctor put a device about the size of silver dollar ,under the skin in upper part of your chest .he will run a connecting wire under your skin from stimulator to electrode attach to vagus nerve through a small cut on your neck

5.1.1. it is a treatment for epilepsy that involve a stimulator (paceamaker )which is connected inside the body to the left vagus in the eck .the stimulator send regular electrical impulses through the nerve to help calm down the irrregular electrical brain activity lead to seizures how its done ?

5.1.2. vagus nerve are pair of nerve that strat in brain and run through the body that carry message between brain and body

6. ringer lactate / Hartmann solution =its is a adaptive fluid because electrolyte content related to the composition of body blood serum and plasma .when to use it , to replace gi tract fluid losses ,fistula drainage ,fluid loss due to burn and trauma

6.1. dextrose 5%= it considere isotonic solution but whe dextrose metabolized , the solution actually become hypotonic and cause fluid to enter the cell

7. exposure to uv can make someone collapsed ?

8. causes of collapsed

8.1. 1)fever or other emotional trauma

8.2. severe pain

8.3. drop in blood pressure

8.4. low blood sugar

8.5. dehydration

8.6. physical exertion in hot temperature

9. CPR

9.1. what is CPR =cardiopulmonary resuscitation.its life saving medical procedure which given to someone who is cardiac arrest .It help to pump blood around teh person body when their heart

9.1.1. cardiac arrest =cause by electrical problem in the heart .this electrical problem cause heart to stop pumping blood around body in the brain .it can cause someone unconscious and not breathing

9.1.2. the way to do CPR

10. blood glucose regulation

10.1. what kind of iv fluid for certain situation ?

10.2. the pancreas secrete insulin and glucagon .both hormone work in balance regulating blood sugar level .so it increase the uptake of glucose from blood in body cells .so blood glucose fall to normal range back

10.3. normal saline (0.9 %sodium chloride (the percentage of sodium chloride is equal to intravascular space .use it , when shock, mild hyponatremia diarhea ,

11. if stress what hormone contribute to faint?

11.1. adrenaline hormone known as fight or flight hormone .it release when stress,dangerous situation it help your body reactt faster

11.1.1. how adrenaline work

11.1.2. bind to receptor on pancreas to inhibit insulin production

11.1.3. bind to receptor on muscle so increase your heart rate