When Curie Meets Cassatt: EDP Goes Global by Dr. Helen Teague, Global Educati...

EDP Goes Global

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When Curie Meets Cassatt: EDP Goes Global by Dr. Helen Teague, Global Education Conference por Mind Map: When Curie Meets Cassatt: EDP Goes Global                     by Dr. Helen Teague, Global Education Conference

1. Marie Curie

1.1. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1903

1.2. Uranium's Daughters: Transmutation | Uranium: Twisting the Dragon's Tail | PBS LearningMedia

1.3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6JFRi0Qm_s

2. John Urschel

2.1. https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Matter-Life-Math-Football/dp/0735224862

2.2. Grad student John Urschel tackles his lifelong balance of math and football in new memoir

2.2.1. Click on an Innovator's Name, then click the Tab Key to add crosscutting concepts or similar attributes

2.2.2. John Urschel-NFL Math Whiz: Real Sports Full Segment (HBO)

2.3. Discrete Trace Theorems and Energy Minimizing Spring Embeddings of Planar Graphs

3. Gladys West

3.1. Navy Hidden Hero: Gladys Mae West and GPS

3.2. Hidden Figures, https://youtu.be/y6NGgs8S4qs

4. Vijay Amritraj

4.1. Vijay Amritraj India's greatest tennis player thrashing Bjorn borg

5. Hedy Lamarr

5.1. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/thank-world-war-ii-era-film-star-your-wi-fi-180971584/

5.2. Invented Frequency Hopping (a precursor to WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth).

5.3. The brilliant mind of Hollywood legend Hedy Lamarr

6. Mary Cassatt

6.1. Biography of Mary Cassatt for Kids: Famous Artists for Children - FreeSchool

6.2. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/becoming-modern/avant-garde-france/impressionism/v/mary-cassatt-in-the-loge-1878

7. Rene Descartes

7.1. Descartes and Cartesian Coordinate System | Genius by Stephen Hawking | PBS LearningMedia

7.2. "Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it.

7.3. Rene Descartes - “I think, therefore I am”