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Alcohol by Mind Map: Alcohol

1. Substitution reaction (Halogenation)

2. Homolytic Fission: equal sharing of electron of broken bond between atoms.

3. Primary alcohol

3.1. Oxidation --->

3.1.1. Aldehyde Oxidation ---> Carboxylic Acid

4. Secondary Alcohol

4.1. oxidation --->

4.1.1. ketone

4.2. oxidizing agent (reflux) + heat

5. Substitution nucleophilic - Sn2 --->

5.1. Halogenalkane

5.1.1. addition --->

5.1.2. Substitution (Halogenation) --->

6. Substitution nucleophilic Sn1

7. Esterification with Carboxylic Acid

7.1. Ester