Harrison Ferro
by Harrison F
1. Drawing
1.1. I have always enjoyed drawing and painting.
1.2. My dad is an artist so he taught me some of what he knows.
2. Running
2.1. I am involved in Track and Field along with Cross Country.
2.2. I began running a few years ago and I love to run races and events.
3. Painting
3.1. I do paint very well just drawing.
3.2. My dad also taught me how to paint at a young age.
4. Being Outdoors
4.1. I love to be in the outdoors, it is a vast world full of many interesting things.
4.2. My dad used to always take my brothers and I to the forest to camp or to explore.
5. School
5.1. School is a very good place to make friends and learn know things.
5.2. I enjoy going to school every day that we have it.
6. Biking
6.1. Riding my bike around town and in the country has always been a fun thing to do.
6.2. As soon as I learned how to ride a bike I have always been doing it.