Toronto Waterfront Revitalization

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Toronto Waterfront Revitalization by Mind Map: Toronto Waterfront Revitalization

1. Sources

1.1. Journal Articles

1.1.1. Landers, J. (2007). Redeveloped Toronto Waterfront to Feature New River Channel. Civil Engineering,77(8), 23-25.

1.1.2. Lehrer, U., & Laidley, J. (2008). Old Mega-Projects Newly Packaged? Waterfront Redevelopment in Toronto. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 32 (4), 786-803.

1.1.3. De Sousa,C. (2003). Turning brownfields into green space in the City of Toronto. Urban Plann.,62(4), 181-198.

1.1.4. Bunce, S. (2009). Developing sustainability: sustainability policy and gentrification on Toronto's waterfront Local Environment. The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 14(7), 651-667.

1.2. Websites



2. Introduction

2.1. Sustainability

2.1.1. Definition

2.2. Thesis

2.2.1. The revitalization efforts of the Toronto waterfront will create an ecomomic, social, an environmental future for the city while ensuring its future sustainability.

3. Benefits and Challenges

3.1. Environmental Impacts

3.2. Social Impact

3.3. Policy makers

4. Responsible Players

4.1. Government

4.2. Private Sector

5. History of Project

5.1. Industrialization to Deindustrialization

6. Sustainability

6.1. Comparisons to other waterfront cities

6.2. Short term and long term benefits

7. Conclusion