1. The Big Picture: Chris Yapp
1.1. Next phase of the Internet - up to 2022
1.1.1. IPv6
1.1.2. Everything could be given an IP address
1.1.3. The Internet of Things
1.1.4. Digital convergence: every consumer device connected
1.1.5. Supported by Cloud computing
1.1.6. Security becomes an issue when everything is connected
1.1.7. The nature of screen technologies - scaling
1.1.8. Gesture-based interfaces - affective computing
1.1.9. Look to augmented reality
1.1.10. What will all of this mean for Education?
1.1.11. Reduce the barriers to online services, especially for education
1.1.12. HOWEVER: physical limitations become critical
1.1.13. Clash between old pedagogies and new technologies
1.1.14. Wearable screens in glasses - Google
1.1.15. brain upload to internet via nano technology
2. Using Skype as a learning tool: Glenys Hart
2.1. UK/national/global
2.2. Skype in the classroom 22,000
2.3. inviting speakers into the classroom
2.4. Primary children asking for information about plants
2.5. Commenting on blogs from relatives in different
2.6. Quadblogging-4 classes with blogs
2.7. time issues
2.8. cultural issues: chocolate or dried fish
2.9. Buddies can work well
2.10. Visual learning is important
2.11. Learning about the lives of other children and how they cope
2.12. Relatively undemanding technology, so helpful across geographically diverse places
3. Mapping concepts collaboratively: Christina Preston
4. We are developing an article about this MirandaMod and all participants are invited to be co-researchers Andrea Raiker and Christina Preston
4.1. The draft literature review
4.2. These are the research questions
5. Updating Bloom's Taxonomy
5.1. Basic levels: knowledge; comprehension; application
5.2. Higher levels: analysis, synthesis; evaluation
5.3. Beyond Bloom: creating new knowledge
5.3.1. does this need to loop back through taxonomy?
6. Why are some teachers reluctant to use digital tools? N.Pachler, C. Preston, J. Cuthell, A. Allen and Pinheiro Torres (2011) The ICT CPD Landscape in England, Becta
7. Roger Turner
7.1. Research into hearing shows that many children are
7.2. Criteria for students achievement
7.3. Disaffection from children with special educational needs
7.4. Speaking and listening are central to literacy
7.5. Solutions
7.5.1. Acoustic tiles
7.5.2. ventilation
7.5.3. sound microphones settling children language analysis tool- takes all sound and tracks speech intelligibility which shows that 50% improvement - process sound can digitally improve what is said
7.6. Room design important
7.6.1. Other room design aspects include light, colour, smell, temperature, hard/soft 'walls'. All can affect learning/behaviour
7.6.2. Sense Sensitive design
8. What is new in digital tools for learning? ICT tools for Future Teachers, Leask and Preston 2009 Becta
9. Visual Learning and Digital Literacy: Theo Keuchel and John Cuthell
9.1. MirandaNet Case Studies
9.2. Visual Learning & Virtual Learning
9.3. Visual Learning Resource
9.4. Issues of IPR
9.4.1. Copyright in a Digital Age Linking Creative Commons Pros Cons Copyrght in Education Academic Publishing Ownership Open Educational Resources (OER)