CeDIR Reference Database

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CeDIR Reference Database por Mind Map: CeDIR Reference Database

1. Transaction Type

1.1. Phone

1.2. Email

1.3. In-person

2. Response

2.1. Circualtion

2.2. Placed Order

2.3. Provided Info

2.4. Referred

2.5. Sent Materials

2.6. No Response/Not Documented

3. Contact information

3.1. Name

3.2. Agency

3.3. Address

3.4. email

3.5. Phone

3.6. Date

4. Client Role

4.1. Individual

4.2. Parent/Family

4.3. Professional

4.4. School/Educator

4.5. Student

4.6. Unknown

5. topic

5.1. Disability Awareness

5.1.1. Multiculturalism

5.1.2. In Schools

5.1.3. In the Workplace

5.1.4. In the Community

5.2. CeDIR Info/Services

5.2.1. Book/Video Purchase

5.2.2. Braille

5.2.3. IIDC Free Pubs

5.2.4. Request Materials

5.2.5. Website

5.2.6. Equipment Reservation

5.2.7. Circulation

5.3. Health/Medical

5.3.1. Short-term Disability

5.3.2. Medicaid

5.3.3. Sexuality

5.3.4. Medications

5.4. Legal

5.4.1. ADA

5.4.2. Education laws

5.4.3. Employment laws

5.5. Survey/Research

5.5.1. Program Evaluation

5.5.2. Statistics

5.6. Families

5.6.1. Adoption

5.6.2. Behavioral Issues

5.6.3. Childcare

5.6.4. Siblings

5.7. Education

5.7.1. Testing/Evaluation

5.7.2. IU Disability services

5.7.3. Conference/Camps/Training

5.7.4. Scholarships

5.7.5. SLP

5.7.6. Schools/Educators

5.8. Specific Disabilities

5.8.1. Physical Disability

5.8.2. Learning Disabilities

5.8.3. Autism/Aspergers Syndrome

5.8.4. Hearing Impairment/ASL

5.8.5. Cerebral Palsy

5.8.6. Developmental Disabilities

5.9. Daily Living

5.9.1. Housing

5.9.2. Assistive Tech

5.9.3. Transportation

5.9.4. Local Resources

5.9.5. In-home care

5.9.6. Grants

5.9.7. Social Security

5.9.8. Self-Advocacy

5.9.9. Employment

5.9.10. Leisure

5.10. Mental Health

5.10.1. Counseling

5.10.2. Support Groups

6. Notes

7. Library Staff