Let's Connect

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Let's Connect by Mind Map: Let's Connect

1. Inspiration Community

2. Instagram

2.1. Followgram

3. My website

3.1. Blog

3.2. Mind mapping resources

3.3. Monthly Newsletter

3.4. First-Year Experience

4. My books

4.1. Concise Learning

4.1.1. Amazon

4.1.2. B&N

4.1.3. iBook

4.2. How to Study with Mind Maps

4.2.1. iBook

4.2.2. Kindle

4.2.3. Nook

4.3. Mind Mapping for Kids (Dec. 3 2012)

5. Facebook

6. Google

6.1. Google+

6.2. Picasa

7. StumbleUpon

8. Teachers Pay Teachers

9. TED

10. YouTube Chanel

11. Squido

12. Scribd

13. Docstoc

14. Edmodo

15. EdShelf

16. Triiibes

17. International Edubloggers Directory

18. Edutopia

19. ASCD Edge

20. Amazon

20.1. Lismania Lists

20.2. Book recommendations

21. Skype in the classroom

22. Tumblr

23. Diigo

24. Pinterest

25. Scoop.It

26. Technology Integration in Education

27. Slideshare

28. Future of Education

29. ISTE Community

30. Student 2.0

31. Educator's PLN

32. Classroom 2.0

33. ProfNet

34. HubPages

35. Business Exchange on Visual Mapping

36. Claco

37. Mind Mappers Ning

37.1. Group: Mind maps in education

37.2. Group: Mind Mapping for Kids

38. MindMeister Maps

39. MentorMob

40. AllTop

41. Biggerplate

41.1. My Maps

41.2. Group: Book mind map

41.3. Group: Mind maps for kids

41.4. Group: Mind maps for students

42. Twitter (@ConciseLearning)

42.1. Twylah

43. Visual Practitioners

44. Pearltrees

45. LinkedIn

45.1. Group: Visual mapping in edu

46. Academia.edu

47. Maps for That