Education Technology

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Education Technology por Mind Map: Education Technology

1. edtech applicatons

1.1. Education Outreach

1.2. Profession Learning

1.3. Safety Training

1.4. Cyber Surgeon

1.5. Nasa Talk

2. Applications

2.1. Fatih project

2.2. Game Based Learning

2.3. New education system

2.4. AR-GE

2.5. Virtual classrooms

2.6. Education Data Management

3. E-Learning

3.1. About E-Learning

3.2. Visual Learning

3.3. Distance Education

3.4. Benefits of Learning online

3.5. Applications of E-Learning

3.5.1. ibooks Author

3.5.2. Ipad in Education

3.5.3. E-learning Application Development

4. Social Network

4.1. Social Network

4.2. Online Learning in Social Media

4.3. Using web2.0 in Education