1. Tactile output
1.1. Tactile output provides the user with a physical response from the device
2. Printers
2.1. A printer produces text and graphics on a physical medium
2.1.1. Printed information is called a hard copy, or printout
2.2. A nonimpact printer forms characters and graphics on a piece of paper without actually striking
2.2.1. Ink-jet printers
2.2.2. Photo printers
2.2.3. Laser printers
2.2.4. Thermal printers
2.2.5. Mobile printers
2.2.6. Label and postage printers
2.2.7. Plotters
2.2.8. Large-format printers
2.3. Impact printers form characters and graphics on a piece of paper by striking a mechanism against an inked ribbon that physically contacts the paper
2.3.1. Dot-matrix printer A dot-matrix printer produces printed images when tiny wire pins on a print head mechanism strike an inked ribbon
2.3.2. Line printer A line printer prints an entire line at a time
3. Display devices
3.1. A display devices visually conveys text, graphics, and video information
3.2. A monitor is packaged as a separate peripheral
3.2.1. LCD monitor Liquid crystal display (LCD) uses a liquid compound to present information on a dusplay device Active-matrix display Passive-matrix display
3.2.2. Widescreen
3.2.3. Plasma monitors Plasma monitors are display devices that use gas plasma technology and offer screen sizes up to 150 inches
3.2.4. CRT monitor New node A CRT monitor is a desktop monitor that contains a cathode-ray tube