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Overconfidence by Mind Map: Overconfidence

1. "Leiningen Versus the Ants"

1.1. Carl Stephenson Life Snapshot

1.2. Short Story Background

1.3. United States: Historical Events

1.4. World: Historical Events

2. "David Slaying Goliath"

2.1. Peter Paul Rubens Life Snapshot

2.2. Painting Background

2.3. United States: Historical Events

2.4. World: Historical Events

3. "We Real Cool"

3.1. Gwendolyn Brooks Life Snapshot

3.2. Poem Background

3.3. United States: Historical Events

3.4. World: Historical Events

4. Theme: Overconfidence

4.1. Who does it affect?

4.2. Attributes of overconfidence

4.3. Results

4.3.1. Positive

4.3.2. Negative