Ikigai and Golden Circle

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Ikigai and Golden Circle por Mind Map: Ikigai and Golden Circle

1. The ikigai is a Japanese concept

1.1. Reason of beings

1.1.1. It is the fact of giving your life meaning, giving it a purpose. Is to develop all your skills and enjoy what you do

2. The golden circle by Simon Sinek's

2.1. In which you respond 3 things Why? How? What?

2.1.1. All this is based on knowing why there is a company that they want to achieve with it, that they provide and that they have to do to achieve it.

2.2. Why: Is the fact of saying why the organization exists.

2.3. How: how they have reached the achievement.

2.4. What: is knowing what the mission is, know what are doing to get to where are

3. These two have a relationship since to answer what is the purpose of life of each person you need to answer questions such as: why? for what? for what purpose does all this, where does this person want to go?