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Where / Who / What by Mind Map: Where / Who / What

1. Merchants

1.1. Lamb

1.1.1. Goodman

1.2. Holister

1.3. Corville

1.4. Old Beldame

1.5. Flecher

1.6. Garuum

1.6.1. Fairfax

1.7. Varley

2. R.I.P. or Gone

2.1. Grigori

2.2. Astrea

2.2.1. Father: Otho "Longfoot" Bywater

2.2.2. Mother: Mirabella Skygrass

2.3. Corax

2.4. Bokken

2.5. Cohort: Timmons

2.6. Caspar Morgarion

2.7. Willas Gundarson

2.8. Meagar Varn

2.9. Cephal Lorentus

2.10. Jacob

2.11. Albin

3. Stags Leap

3.1. Snowy

3.2. Jhod

4. Tazleford

4.1. Jubilost Narthropple

4.2. Merchants

4.2.1. Chamarie Lerion

4.3. Latricia

5. Varnhold

5.1. Miriam Kolesev

5.2. Roberts

6. Mivon

7. Sootscalia

7.1. Mik Mek

7.2. Chief Sootscale

8. Tuskany

8.1. Maestro Ervil Pendrod

8.2. Akiros

8.3. Blackmane

8.4. Kestan Garess

8.5. Jemanda Orlashen

8.6. Tina and Jorjie

8.7. Clan Jambs

8.7.1. Marissa Familiar: Xilinshtal 'Ruler of the Universe' Father: Rupert Orlovsky Mother: Irissa Orlovsky 1st Child: Marco, Rupert, Daneel, Goldbraid Orlovsky 2nd Child: Dean, Maegre, Timms, Goldbraid Orlovsky Lady-in-Wating: Kimber Varn

8.7.2. Gerda

8.7.3. Branna

8.8. Adventuring Groups

8.8.1. The Argent Blades

8.8.2. The Stout Ebon Weasels

8.8.3. Defenders of the Green

8.9. The Pathfinder Lodge

8.9.1. Anil Gandir

8.9.2. Eluwyn

8.9.3. Elvararian

8.9.4. Galvlad

9. Olegton

9.1. Oleg & Svetlana

10. Lizardfolk Village

10.1. Vossa

10.2. Ssasama

11. Fey Narlmarches

11.1. Perlivash

11.1.1. Tyg-Titter-Tut

11.2. Tiressia

11.2.1. Falcos

11.3. Melianse

12. Fey Lake Silverstep

12.1. Finella

13. Dunsward

13.1. Nomen Tribe

13.1.1. Xamanthe Silverfire

13.1.2. Iosis Redmane

13.1.3. Caffara

13.1.4. Elenorik

13.1.5. Aecora "Mother" Silverfire

13.1.6. Sacred Sites The Blood Furrows The Great Black Roc Gallchoir's Lair Nomen Burial Mounds The Linnorm Graveyard

14. Tiefling's

14.1. Point

14.2. Brickhouse

14.3. Bloat

14.4. Misty

14.5. Bits & Bobs

14.6. Snow

14.7. Robin

14.8. Rook

14.9. Snap

14.10. Wildfire

15. Outlaw Council

15.1. Artume

15.2. Daggermark

15.3. Gralton

15.4. Lambreth

15.5. Mivon

15.6. Pitax

15.7. PotBM

15.8. Sevenarches

15.9. Tymon

15.10. Uringen

16. Isana Blackwood

16.1. Father: Alexander Medvyed

16.2. Mother: Emmaline Garess