Turkey: terrorism, civil rights, and the European Union

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Turkey: terrorism, civil rights, and the European Union par Mind Map: Turkey: terrorism, civil rights, and the European Union

1. Republic of Turkey

1.1. democracy

1.2. crimes

1.2.1. terrorism

1.3. freedom of expression

1.4. fundamental rights

1.5. President

1.6. Turkish Armed Forces

1.7. Turkish Penal Code

2. Turkey

2.1. Istanbul

2.2. Ankara

2.3. Kurdish

2.4. Persons

2.4.1. Turkish authorities

3. Notes

4. Europe

4.1. Accession Partnership

4.2. associations

4.3. Council of Europe

4.4. European Parliament

5. Politics

5.1. Constitutional Court

5.2. Copenhagen criteria

5.3. National Security Court

5.4. officials

5.5. Parliament

5.6. political parties

6. International relations

6.1. Protocol

6.2. relations

7. Timeline

7.1. Budget

7.2. Resources

7.3. Delays