Systematic Legal Writing

Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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Systematic Legal Writing Door Mind Map: Systematic Legal Writing

1. 1. Prewriting Stage

1.1. Identify your purpose

1.1.1. 1. Specify your Purpose

1.1.2. 2. Rank your Purpose

1.1.3. 3. Accomplish your Purpose

1.1.4. 4. Dealing with Conflicting Purposes

1.2. Identify your audience

1.2.1. Age

1.2.2. Native Language

1.2.3. Education and Reading Level

1.2.4. Familiarity with Subject Matter

1.2.5. Familiarity with Legal Language

1.2.6. Attitude

1.2.7. Physical or Other Problems

1.2.8. Individual Concerns

1.3. Identify any constraints upon your writing

1.4. Identify your Research Sources

1.4.1. Primary Sources of Law

1.4.2. Secondary Sources of Law

2. 2. Writing Stage

2.1. Determine what should go into the document

2.2. Organize your Document

2.2.1. Identify and Presenting Issues

2.2.2. Present the Rule

2.2.3. Analyze Facts and Law

2.2.4. Anticipate Counterarguments

2.2.5. Provide a Conclusion

3. 3. Proofread & Finalize

3.1. Is Your Work Written Clearly?

3.2. Is Your Work Formatted Correctly?

4. KEY--Click Here First