4. ‘A family with no children is not a family at all.’ Discuss.

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4. ‘A family with no children is not a family at all.’ Discuss. por Mind Map: 4. ‘A family with no children is not a family at all.’ Discuss.

1. For instance, in Vietnam, many veterans who have participated in the war have contracted the “orange agent” disease that can cause their offspring to suffer from many physical abnormalities. Those children are often ostracized by their friends when they grow up. Hence, they grow up with a sense of inferiority and subsequently they might even put the blame on their parents for passing on such a disease to them. The family would then be unhappy due to endless internal conflicts in their daily lives.

1.1. Thus, I believe that there are many cases where the family is not given a choice whether they can have children or not. And this does not classify them as not being a family. Thus I disagree to the statement that a family with no children is not a family at all.

1.1.1. Good. Many families may not have a say or choice in having children- what others factors are there that might prevent them from having children?

2. There are many families with no children at all. This is due to many different reasons, such as they believe that there is no need for children, or because they do not have the time or financial abilities to support a child.

2.1. disagree with this mindset

2.1.1. Since the ancient times, children complete a family as the children have a role of passing on the family’s culture, tradition and beliefs.Many families of different generations build up a larger family, and without children in a family, it is as good as destroying the long chain of generations of families built up by our ancestors. Thus, I believe that having no children at all is breaking a long chain of families built up by many generations and a family with no children is not a family at all. How is breaking up generations considered a reason for why families without children are not families? What about people who are barren? Or they adopt children? Are they automatically ruled out as families? Then what do you call these people?

2.2. Where's your elaboration? There are reasons why some families might not have children, but why are they still considered to be a family? What is the basis for a family? What constitutes as a family? Who decided that all couples must have children? You will need to address these issues.

3. I firmly agree and believe that a family with no children is not a family at all. (Ban Xu)

4. I agree wholeheartedly that a family with no children is not a family at all. (Yosef)

4.1. According to Wikipedia.org, in most cases a family refers to the principal institution for the socialisation of children.

4.1.1. Thus, it can be concluded that the basic unit of a family is the nuclear family, in which there is at least one child. A "family" consisting of only two spouses is therefore not a family, and can only be called a married couple. Indeed, society is largely used to the mindset of a family consisting of parents and children. This is displayed clearly from society's perception of a husband and wife "starting a family" as referring to having children. Hence, without the presence of children in a family, it cannot really be considered to be a complete family as the members of this "family" do not carry out tasks and activities conducted by nuclear or extended families. For instance, a husband and wife without children would not share the experience of changing diapers, raising a child and experiencing the joys and troubles of doing so and going through life with a child constantly on the back of their minds. Good. I like the example of the quote, perhaps you can also talk about certain traditional cultures like the Chinese culture where the next step after marriage is always having children. And how some societies consider barren women as useless.

4.1.2. The definition provided by Wikipedia- is it a definition based on societal mindsets? Religious beliefs? Cultural practices?

5. I disagree to the statement that a family with no children is not a family at all. (Rena)

5.1. There are many circumstances where married couples decide not to have children for the benefits of their family, such as (not wanting the children to contract) inheritable diseases like AIDS and "orange agent"

5.1.1. Valid argument. It can be seen as better to not have children than to risk the possibility of the children being born with diseases or disabilities.

6. I disagree to this statement. (Yan Kun)

6.1. Family, to a large extent, provides people moral support and physical comforts. No matter how many members (there are) in the family, as long as they are united and they truly think of each other, they are considered as a family.

6.1.1. For instance, there was an elderly couple with five children reported in the newspaper in China; however, all of their children do not care for them at all. They do not provide any assistance to their parents. They barely go home once a year, when their parents face very serious medical conditions, they did not even call to comfort their parents. Is this family still complete although there are so many children in the family? Therefore, a measurement of a real family should be the love and care among the members instead of whether there are any children. Only with love is the family then complete. Good example to support your argument. Having children does not necessarily mean that a family is complete. More elaboration can be made on the point of support. What kind of moral support are you referring to?

6.1.2. Not too sure what you mean by "thinking of each other"- do you mean putting the other person's interests above your own?

7. I disagree with this statement. (Vanessa)

7.1. Unity forms the basis of a family. A family can be considered as two or more people related by blood or marriage.A couple defines their own family. Hence although without children as long as they rely on each other for emotional support and are willing to go through thick and thin together, they still can consider each other as family since they are united.

7.1.1. Statistics have shown that in the United States. the common definition of family is those of traditional married couples which makes up 83% of the households. People have now adopted a much more expansive and open mind to what a family is defined as.

7.1.2. Valid point. You've provided another basis for the family unit- unity. But a question for you- are dysfunctional families not considered as families then? If family members do not agree on certain beliefs and lifestyles, does that mean they cease to be a family? Check your language.

8. Thesis statement?