Demand Meeting 23/07/07
by Philip Greenwood
1. Demand Report Review
1.1. PG to call Findlay to arrange conflab
1.2. PG hasn't heard from MDU - Meeting Prof Mark today.
1.3. PG Chevron meeting Thursday
1.4. Vodafone meeting was bumped due to illness; moved off 2 weeks. JB - still something there.
1.5. Linklaters - JB following-up
1.6. Fujitsu - JB Meeting tomorrow
1.7. Pepsi - JB - Gus supporting talking to Colin..
2. Lead Generation report review
3. Marketing Activities
3.1. Blogging
3.2. Email campaigns
3.3. Adwords
3.3.1. Add ads for blog
3.4. Events
3.4.1. Mrs JB is interested in supporting the MDU Unconference
3.5. Open Networking
3.5.1. JB attends "knowledge anarchists" Tuesday
3.6. LinkedIn : JB - to start trawling 'friends' contacts on LinkedIn & Facebook
4. Infrastructure
4.1. Salesforce synching
4.2. Claim of bestness on website
4.2.1. Brazen about how good we really are
4.2.2. Tag Line review
4.2.3. Prose review