steps to approach smhager

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steps to approach smhager by Mind Map: steps to approach smhager

1. take control

1.1. SERVE the customer

1.1.1. New node

1.2. analyze quicky

1.2.1. New node

1.3. greet appropriatly

1.3.1. New node

2. select the appropriate approach

2.1. have a good mood

2.1.1. New node

2.2. decide how to approach

2.2.1. New node New node

2.3. genuine interest to serve

2.3.1. New node

3. focus the approach on the customer

3.1. gain attention

3.1.1. New node

3.2. warm welcome

3.2.1. New node

3.3. gain trust w/ knowage

3.3.1. New node

4. use the customers names

4.1. personal

4.1.1. New node

4.2. customer's confidence

4.2.1. New node

4.3. comfortable

4.3.1. New node