1. Economic Development
1.1. A policy domain at the intersection of government and business
1.2. Economic development policies and impact
1.2.1. Article: State Energy-based Economic Development Policies and Examples: A Research Note. Economic Development Quarterly
1.2.2. Article: The 511 Tourism Information Service of Southern and Eastern Kentucky: A Case Study. Applied Research in Economic Development
1.2.3. Article: Technology-based Economic Development: Connecting the Research University and Community Leaders. Applied Research in Economic Development
2. Other Research
2.1. Other research not otherwise categorized
2.2. Article: Effectual Processes in Non-profit Start-ups and Social Entrepreneurship: An Illustrated Discussion of a Novel Decision Making Approach. Under review
3. Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Policy
3.1. Focus on government policies and support programs affecting entrepreneurship
3.2. Entrepreneurship Policy
3.2.1. Article: Making Sense of Entrepreneurial Outcomes Measurements in the Literature: Suggestions for Researchers and Policymakers. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship
3.3. Effectiveness of Entrepreneurial Support
3.3.1. Dissertation: The Effectiveness of Entrepreneurial Start-up Assistance Programs: Evidence from the U.S. Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics
3.3.2. Article: Do Nascent Entrepreneurs Use Outside Assistance as the Support Option of Last Resort? Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
3.3.3. Article: Meeting Entrepreneurs’ Support Needs: Are Assistance Programs Effective? Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
3.3.4. Article: Impact of Start-up Support through Guided Preparation. Under review
3.3.5. TEACHING: PADM 704 Public Program Evaluation PAUP 804 Public Program Evaluation
3.4. Entrepreneurship
3.4.1. Article: The Entrepreneur-Investor Charismatic Relationship: A Dramaturgical Framework with Illustrations. Journal of Enterprising Culture
3.4.2. Article: Putting Entrepreneurship in its Rightful Place: A Typology for Defining Entrepreneurship Across Private, Public, and Nonprofit Sectors. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal
3.4.3. Article: A Tale of Two Exits: Nascent Entrepreneur Learning Activities and Disengagement from Start-up. Small Business Economics
4. Public Budgeting and Finance
4.1. A research area with strong linkages across governments, between government and the private sector, and between government and citizens
4.2. Intergovernmental Constraints
4.2.1. Book Chapter: State Fiscal Constraints on Local Government Borrowing: Effects on Scale and Cost. In Handbook of Fiscal Health.
4.2.2. Article: New York State Fiscal Institutions and Municipal Borrowing. Under review
4.3. Public finance issues affected or constrained by the intergovernmental nature of public budgeting
4.4. Transportation Finance
4.4.1. A policy area that is intergovernmental and multisector, wit increasing private sector participation in delivery of transportation infrastructure and services
4.4.2. Article: How Effective is the International Fuel Tax Agreement? A View from the States. Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management
4.4.3. Article: The Crisis in State Highway Finances: Its Roots, Current Effect, and Some Possible Remedies. Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management
4.4.4. Article: Paying for Locally-owned Roads: A Crisis in Local Government Highway Finance. Public Works Management and Policy
4.4.5. Article: State Infrastructure Banks and Borrowing Costs for Transportation Projects. Public Finance Review
4.4.6. TEACHING: PADM 721 Transportation Policy
4.4.7. Article: State Infrastructure Banks and Intergovernmental Subsidies for Local Transportation Investment. Public Budgeting and Finance
4.4.8. Article: An Empirical Examination of the Statutory Characteristics and Effects of Highway and Transportation Commissions on DOT Capital Management Capacity.
4.4.9. Article: Indexing the Gas Tax to Indicators of Need: An Analysis of Revenue Adequacy with Implications for Public Acceptance. Under review
4.5. Transparency, Accountability, Public Participation
4.5.1. Article: An Information Model to Present Proposals to Increase Taxes at Public Meetings and Referenda Campaigns. International Journal of Public Administration
4.5.2. Article: Transportation Commissions as Accountability Structures: A Review of Their Statutory Roles and Other Attributes. American Review of Public Administration
4.5.3. A Public Participation Experiment and the Effects of Dialog and Information on Public Acceptance of Transportation Finance Policy Solutions. Under review
4.5.4. Article: The Limits of Outsourcing Expertise: Exploring the Accountability Dilemma at State Transportation Departments. Under review
4.5.5. Article: For the People: Popular Financial Reporting Practices of Local Governments. Under review.
4.5.6. TEACHING: PAS 301 Governance, Accountability and Ethics
4.6. Other
4.6.1. Article: Changing and/or Funding OPEB Promises: A Typology of Local Government Responses to GASB 45 and the Realization of OPEB Liabilities. Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management
4.6.2. Article: Electronic Payments for State Taxes and Fees: Acceptance, Utilization, and Challenges.