by Manaf mh
1. t
2. decrease in quality of live
3. Unavailability of resources
4. overpopulation
5. Disorganized population growth
6. Human activities
7. logging
8. Impact of population
9. Deforestation
10. Expanding territory
11. pollution of oceans and rivers
12. Oil spill pollution
13. death of marine species
14. land use
15. Oil rigs
16. Mobile sources
17. traffic havoc
18. Atmospheric Impact
19. Car smoke
20. caused by humans
21. smoke from industries
22. overpopulation
23. deforestation to expand territory
24. polluting gases
25. contagious toxic compounds
26. chemicals thrown into the water
27. Use of pesticides
28. Chemical Pollution
29. caused by humans
30. large industrial waste is genered
31. chemicals thrown into the water
32. Water Pollution
33. water more deals by industrialization
34. increasing demand for needs of persons
35. Garbage
36. illegal dumping
37. caused by humans
38. lack of dumping stations
39. burning waste(plastic)
40. smoke car
41. toxic gases