"The view of the majority is always right." Do you agree?

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"The view of the majority is always right." Do you agree? by Mind Map: "The view of the majority is always right." Do you agree?

1. Stand

1.1. No, I do not agree.

2. Definitions

2.1. Majority

2.1.1. The greater number: "in the majority of cases"; "a majority decision".

2.2. Right

2.2.1. Morally good, justified, or acceptable.


3.1. AGREE

3.1.1. Consequentialist ethics asserts that what is ethically right is simply that which secures the maximum happiness (utility) for the greatest number of people.


4. Time perspective

4.1. Historical perspective leads us to find an example of where the view of the majority led to the suffering of the minority.

4.1.1. The lynching mobs that were dominant in the early 20th century throughout southern US states such as Mississippi shows that although the Whites were the majority, their views may not always be right. Many Black people were lynched and killed just because the Whites were racial supremacists.

5. Cultural

5.1. Why do we need to consider cultural perspective?

5.1.1. Ignoring the minority views and opinions is a sign of disrespect to the minority cultures.

5.2. In social contexts where there are minorities who have their own cultural perceptions and thought processes shaped by culture, we cannot simply deem that the majority is right.

6. Time Perspective

7. Logical and legal

7.1. This statement has an obvious flaw in its reasoning. The logical fallacy of the bandwagon effect is reflected. Therefore, this claim is a weak and biased one.

8. Moral dimensions

8.1. Ethical considerations for minority

8.2. Considering the view of the majority as the only right one might lead to violation of human rights. It ignores the plea of the minority viewpoints.

8.3. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1, says that "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status."