1. Stand: YES
1.1. What they do in private reflects their true personalities and ideas.
1.1.1. Related to what sort of motives they have when they come up with plans for the masses. New node
1.1.2. It matters because we expect people to be a good role model of what they preach. (look below for expectations)
2. The mass has certain expectations of people in the public eye.
2.1. Expectations are according to their jobs : Politicians = upright Religious leaders = moral
2.1.1. However, some celebrities have no expectations.
2.2. Failure to uphold expectations of mass even when in private makes people upset.
2.3. Spreading of bad ideas/ the belief that people can be hypocrites.
3. It seems to only matter when these public figures participate in activities that are morally wrong.
4. What kind of people? What kind of expectations?
4.1. Politicians
4.1.1. Expected to be moral and to work for the interest of people.
4.2. Religious Leaders
4.2.1. Expected to be moral and to uphold certain religious values
5. Things that they do in private.
5.1. The good
5.1.1. People are generally expected to do good, therefore when one does good, the mass does not interfere.
5.2. The bad
5.2.1. By people expected to do good. eg: politicians Consequences Scandals Lose public authority Frowned upon by society Lose public trust
5.2.2. By people whom the mass has little or no expectations with. Eg: notorious popstars Consequences Frowned upon by society
6. However, people are supposed to be entitled to their own privacy.
6.1. Basic human rights
6.2. But it has to do with the person's character in general: Is he really who he appears to be?
6.2.1. It is human nature to dislike hypocrites
7. Claims
7.1. People dislike hypocrites and will not allow them to lead.
7.2. What they do in private refers to ALL that they do in private, not just one event, because this can cause the person to be unfairly judged.
7.2.1. eg: Edison Chen scandal He is a rather good actor, it's just that he enjoys filming pornographic materials.
8. Sometimes the things that they (people under public eye) are judged on are irrelevant to their work. (Does it still matter what they did? It is irrelevant, out of context!)
8.1. Therefore it should not be a problem for the mass. it does not affect them.
8.1.1. But they still like to gossip.
8.2. eg: Italian political leader has multiple sex partners. (Barely legal girls)
8.2.1. Does it matter what he does? He is not preaching about absentism, he is not letting it affect his ability to lead. It's his personal life.
8.3. It matters because people associate bad habits (sowing wild oats, etc) with bad people, therefore they would think those public figures are bad.
8.3.1. New node
9. Deciding on a stand
9.1. agree
9.1.1. What they do in private reflects their true personalities and ideas.
9.1.2. Seen as hypocrites thus unfit to appear in public as they are considered bad influence.
9.2. Disagree
9.2.1. sometimes the things that they are being judged on has no relation to their job at all: Who is to complain if it does not affect you?