Q3. ' The problems associated with an ageing population are exaggerated. 'What is your view?

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Q3. ' The problems associated with an ageing population are exaggerated. 'What is your view? by Mind Map: Q3. ' The problems associated  with an ageing population are exaggerated. 'What is your view?

1. What caused an ageing population?

1.1. improved health services and medical advancements = elderly cruising through old age peacefully

1.2. competitive society and economy

1.2.1. people put work as priority over conceiving a child and starting a family

1.3. low fertility rates

1.3.1. women putting work as priority over conceiving

1.3.2. deciding that having a child will take up too much effort and time

1.3.3. New node

2. exagerration


3.1. many problems that will arise with an ageing population

3.1.1. rising need for silver aged healthcare products and medical services decrease in government spending in important areas like education & tourism, will affect country negatively i in the long run

3.1.2. future brain drain lack of experience being passed on from one generation to another

3.1.3. increasing age gap between Singporeans = less cohesive society as the youths and elderly always have differing values

4. rise in the number of older people will significantly tip the balance of elderly people and young healthy working adults