Constructivist Design Thinking Curriculum Components

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Constructivist Design Thinking Curriculum Components by Mind Map: Constructivist Design Thinking Curriculum Components

1. Goals and Planning

2. Projects

2.1. Project Aims

3. L + T Resources

3.1. Online Resources

3.1.1. Video

3.1.2. Case Studies

3.1.3. Methods Toolbox

3.1.4. Self Workshops

4. Physical Environment

4.1. Studio Space

4.1.1. Whiteboards

4.1.2. Collaboration Areas

4.1.3. Storage

4.1.4. Meeting/Working Tables

4.2. Outside World

5. E. Teachers/Lectuers

6. D. Students

6.1. Atiitudes and Values

6.2. Knowledge

6.3. Skills

6.4. Processes

6.5. Thinking

7. 3. Aims and Outcomes

7.1. Paper Aims

8. Learning Tools

8.1. Mobile Devices

8.1.1. Smart Phone

8.1.2. Tablet

8.1.3. Laptop

8.2. Computers

8.3. Model Making/Prototyping

9. 1. Graduate Profile

10. C. L + T Theories

11. 7. Formative Assessment

12. Summative Feedback

13. 6. Student Portfolio

13.1. Relection

13.2. Project process

14. 5 Learning Activities

15. 2. Programme Learning Goals

16. B. Disipline/Profession

16.1. Knowledge

16.2. Processes

16.3. Frameworks and Theories

16.4. Paradigms/Worldviews

17. Exercises/Workshops

18. Discussions

19. Lectures Presentations

20. Critiques

21. 4. Content

22. FormativeFeedback

23. A. Institution Structures & Policies

23.1. New node