Website 2.0

Website 2.0

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Website 2.0 by Mind Map: Website 2.0

1. Solutions

1.1. Budgeting / Planning

1.2. Consolidation

1.3. Statutory Reporting

1.3.1. IFRS16

1.3.2. IFRS17

1.3.3. ESMA

1.3.4. EBA

1.3.5. XBRL

1.4. Narrative Reporting / Disclosure Management

1.5. Advisory

1.6. Support / Maintenance

2. Clients

2.1. Interactive map

2.2. Filters

2.2.1. Geography (continent)

2.2.2. Industry

2.2.3. Process

2.3. Client tiles according to selection (map / filters)

2.3.1. Project description with whitepaper download (form) Company details Processes Benefits

3. Partners

3.1. Software

3.2. Consulting

4. About us

4.1. Mission / Vision

4.2. News

4.3. Blog

4.4. Events

4.5. Careers

4.6. Contact us

5. Legend - design templates

5.1. Main page for each Solution - can have multiple sub pages (e.g. Statutory Reporting)

5.1.1. Need design template for all pages without subpages

5.1.2. Need design template for all pages with subpages. Links to subpages from this page

5.2. Subpage for each Solution

5.2.1. Need design template. Image / icon + text + download (form)

5.3. Text + images (logos) - 2 distinct sections. Only main page for Partners, no subpages

5.4. Text + images - 2 distinct sections. Slight differences of template between the 4 sections

5.4.1. Mission / Vision - summarized on main page in its appropriate section

5.4.2. News - latest entry summarized on main page in its appropriate section

5.4.3. Events - latest entry summarized on main page in its appropriate section

5.4.4. Careers - Different design template

5.5. Blog style template - latest entry summarized on main page in its appropriate section

5.6. Contact us - form

5.7. Interactive map - same functionality as in the main page - click on a continent filters out clients based on selection (geography)

5.8. Filters - works in conjunction with the map filtering - need design

5.9. Client tiles according to selection (map / filters) - need design - tile design / logo / summarized text / link to #10 below

5.9.1. Project description with whitepaper download (form) - need design (pop-up?)