WellBeings - Community

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1. If you have bipolar disorder you will experience swings in mood. During ‘manic’ episodes, you are likely to display overactive excited behaviour. At other times, you may go through long periods of being very depressed. There are different types of bipolar disorder which depend on how often these swings in mood occur and how severe they are.

2. Agenda/ Vision and Mission

2.1. Provides access to the resources that people need to maintain and improve mental health. Work on community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness.

2.2. provide public education materials, Community building, conduct assessments, studies and projects that advocate for mental health wellbeing

2.3. Mental health means striking a balance in all aspects of one’s life: social, physical, spiritual, economic and mental, provide basic assessments for people to educate theme-selves or identify symptoms in people close to them.


2.4.1. We aim to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health, to simplify jargons, and to give people confidence and reassurance that there is help available to them and they are not alone.


2.5.1. While building resilience and confidence WELLBEINGS aims to empower people and their families by offering peer support, range of self-help strategies, providing a focus towards a future of positive mental health.


2.6.1. Early Intervention, WELLBEINGS aims to support people with access to information, for people to identify patterns early and not shy away from mental health difficulties, thus aiding their recovery early on.

3. Hi! I am a messenger chatbot by the name of SayPal. I provide resources and advice about Mental Wellbeing. What brings you to Saypal today?

3.1. Unknown response

3.1.1. Sorry, I didn't quite get that, which option best describes how you are feeling?

3.2. Feeling Anxious

3.2.1. The chat bot will ask further questions about their feeling based on the questions from the general anxiety form GAD assessment? Mild Severe Menu Help text

3.3. Feeling Depressed

3.3.1. The chat bot will ask further questions about their feeling based on the questions from the patient health form PHQ assessment? Mild Severe Menu Help text

3.4. Feeling Stressed

3.4.1. The chat bot will ask further questions about their feeling based on the questions from the perceived stress form PSS Assessment? Mild Severe Menu Help text

3.5. Main bot - Menu

3.5.1. Self assesment

3.5.2. Ask me anything about mental health- Awareness Problems ADHD ANXIETIES TRAUMA Causes AtoZ of mental health Therapy

4. Mental Health

4.1. What is mental health?

4.1.1. Mental health relates to our emotional wellbeing - it is all about how we think, feel and behave.

4.1.2. Your mental health can affect your daily life, relationships and even your physical health. Mental health also includes a person's ability to enjoy life because of how they feel

4.2. Problems

4.2.1. Depression Depression lowers your mood, and can make you feel hopeless, worthless, unmotivated and exhausted. It can affect sleep, appetite, libido and selfesteem, and interfere with daily activities and, sometimes, your physical health. This may set off a vicious cycle, because the worse you feel, the more depressed you are likely to get.

4.2.2. Anxiety Anxiety can mean constant and unrealistic worry about any aspect of daily life. It may cause restlessness, sleeping problems and possibly physical symptoms; for example, an increased heart beat, stomach upset, muscle tension or feeling shaky.

4.2.3. OCD Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has two main parts: obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwelcome thoughts, ideas or urges that repeatedly appear in your mind; for example, thinking that you have been contaminated by dirt and germs, or worrying that you haven’t turned off the oven. Compulsions are repetitive activities that you feel you have to do.

4.2.4. Phobias A fear becomes a phobia when you have an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation or object. You will often begin to organise your life around avoiding the thing that you fear.

4.2.5. Eating Disorders Eating disorders can be characterised by eating too much, or by eating too little. If you have an eating disorder you may deny yourself anything to eat, even when you are very hungry, or you may eat constantly, or binge. The subject of food, and how much you weigh, is likely to be on your mind all the time. Your eating disorder is likely to develop as a result of deeper issues in your life and is possibly a way of disguising emotional pain. Anorexia, bulimia, bingeing and compulsive eating are some of the most common eating disorders. Schizophrenia is a controversial diagnosis. Symptoms may include confused or jumbled thoughts, hearing voices and seeing and believing things that other people don’t share. If you have these symptoms you might also become confused and withdrawn. There is debate about whether schizophrenia is actually one condition or more a collection of symptoms that are not clearly related.

4.2.6. Personality Disorders Generally speaking, personality doesn’t change very much. Yet it does develop as people go through different experiences in life, and as their circumstances change. If you have a personality disorder, you are likely to find it more difficult to change your patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving, and will have a more limited range of emotions, attitudes and behaviours with which to cope with everyday life.

4.2.7. Schizophrenia

4.2.8. Bipolar

4.2.9. Mental ill health feels just as bad, or worse, than any other illness – only you cannot see it.

4.3. Causes

4.3.1. Difficult Family Backgrounds

4.3.2. Stressful Life Events

4.3.3. Genes

4.3.4. Your Biochemistry

4.3.5. Physical Health Problems

4.3.6. Social Problems

4.4. Behaviours

4.4.1. Suicidal Thoughts It is common to have suicidal thoughts if you are experiencing mental health problems – especially if you have a diagnosis of depression, borderline personality disorder or schizophrenia. The deeper your depression, the more likely it is that you will consider killing yourself. However, you can help yourself and you can get help from other people. A great many people think about suicide, but the majority do not go on to kill themselves.

4.4.2. Panic These are sudden, unexpected bouts of intense terror. If you experience an attack you may find it hard to breathe, and feel your heart beating hard. You may have a choking sensation, chest pain, begin to tremble or feel faint.

4.4.3. Self Harm Self-harm is a way of expressing very deep distress. You may not know why you self-harm, but it can be a means of communicating what you can’t put into words, or even into thoughts, and has been described as an ‘inner scream’. After self-harming, you may feel better able to cope with life again, for a while, but the cause of your distress is unlikely to have gone away.

5. Services and Programs

5.1. Mental Health Awareness

5.1.1. Advocating for mental health through community setup. Builds comfort for others Shared positivity and friendships made "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." - Winston Churchill

5.1.2. Answer faqs What You Can Do to Help What Exactly is a Mental Illness Are you affected? Take quick self assesment Know symptoms How can you deal with stigma? How can I help myself? Useful contacts - helplines/ngos/blabla

5.2. Community

5.2.1. Resources Guided Meditations books music apps (e.g. CALM) Offer resources when needed Create a list of resources to offer students and parents (e.g. Kids Help Phone, Tangerine)

5.2.2. Community Members Invite authors, artists, creative people into the community to enhance experience Invite leaders of mental health organizations to lead workshops Ongoing and consistent communication within community Peer Support Group: Peer support is emotional and practical support between two people who share a common experience

6. Wellbeing

6.1. Psychological Well-Being

6.1.1. depends on an individual’s psychological health depends on his positive functioning in certain aspects of his life

6.1.2. Hedonic Approach

6.1.3. focuses on happiness and defines well-being in terms of pleasure attainment and pain avoidance

6.1.4. Eudemonics Approach

6.1.5. focuses on meaning and self realization

6.2. Mentally Healthy Persons

6.2.1. Feel comfortable about themselves

6.2.2. Feel right about other people

6.2.3. Able to meet the demands of life

6.2.4. Able to meet the demands of life

6.3. Mental Health

6.3.1. used to describe either a level of cognitive or emotional wellbeing or an absence of a mental disorder.

6.3.2. affected by individual factors and experiences

7. Equal Access to information

7.1. People with mental illness are often marginalized and alienated from the community. Many people report that what helps them as much as formal mental health services is the informal support they get from peers or family, or being able to contribute to society by engaging in meaningful daily activity.

7.2. Support groups available to discuss mental illness of self or family members.

7.3. Advocates to mental health - provide resources for suicide prevention and addiction etc through helplines, connecting ngos

8. How can we help

8.1. Helping themselves

8.1.1. Interact with people every day

8.1.2. Set yourself targets

8.1.3. Take notice of things around you

8.1.4. Be Active

8.1.5. Talk and express how you are feeling

8.2. Help from others

8.2.1. Show support

8.2.2. Ask how you can help

8.2.3. Be Open minded, Non-judgemental and Listen

8.2.4. Have Trust and Respect between you both

8.2.5. Don't just talk about mental health

8.3. Treatments available to help relieve and help cope

8.3.1. Talking (psychological) treatments can help to overcome emotional difficulties and free yourself from self-destructive ways of feeling, thinking and behaving.

8.4. Awareness

9. What is Well being? Problem? Solution?

9.1. What is WELLBEINGS

9.1.1. Wellbeings is a mental health awareness Community. Unlike a lot of mental health communities, Wellbeings targets people that are unaware of the importance of mental health and what people go through who have it. This community is called Wellbeings because we want to remove the stigma around mental health. In India mental health is not a big topic with a lot of people not coming out with it in fear of being looked down on. This is a big reason why people don't get treatment for their mental health issue because of the stigma by family members, friends and society. We aim to support people with mental health difficulties, aiding their recovery through early identification and intervention.

9.2. Problem

9.2.1. The stigma around mental health is a big reason why people don’t get help. This needs to change. We need to change their views and attitude towards mental health. By changing the attitude towards mental health in a community setup, we believe we can create a domino effect of more people opening up as a result of increased social and cultural sympathetic views on mental health. Social change = more people opening-up

9.3. Solution

9.3.1. Our solution to the problem is to communicate how mental health affects people and educate them on the symptoms. We want this done in the most interactive way possible which we believe we can achieve by creating a community - synonymous to peer support groups. We want to focus on the idea that people with mental illnesses are not abnormal or crazy or some skewed isolated group of people, but anybody can suffer from mental health issues. By creating a community we want to reach out to the victims as well as the general public who don't suffer from the illness because they are likely to unknowingly know someone who suffers from mental illness. Collectively in a community setup we harness a "me too" feeling and help members become advocates of mental health. Supporting people through community, believing that a holistic approach to mental health peblems as the most effective road to recovery.

10. Welcome Message

10.1. Hi {{first name}}, Welcome to Wellbeings. I am a messenger bot here to help you nurture your wellbeing. Can we talk about it?

10.1.1. Sure Talk about wellbeing - Block Wellbeing is the state of being comfortable and healthy. The pandemic and uncertainities can affect wellbeing. But nothing is permanent, this too shall pass and we all are going to get through this together. The whole world is on your side.

10.1.2. Later Menu Take Self assessment Advice on Wellbeing FAQ Be a part of wellbeings

10.1.3. Join the community Facebook link Subscribe to updates Subscribe block