Taxonomy of Affective Curriculum/SEL of Gifted Learners

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Taxonomy of Affective Curriculum/SEL of Gifted Learners par Mind Map: Taxonomy of Affective Curriculum/SEL of Gifted Learners

1. Responsible Decision Making

2. Self Management

3. Self Awareness

4. Relationship Management

5. Social Awareness

6. Level 1

6.1. Cooperation

6.2. Respect

6.3. Self Image

6.4. Responsibility

7. Level 2

7.1. Self Regulation

7.2. Self Esteem

7.3. Empathy

8. Level 3

8.1. Grit

8.2. Intrinsic Motivation

8.3. Curiosity

8.4. Divergent Thinking

8.5. Self Efficacy

9. Level 4

9.1. Growth From Failure

9.2. Acceptance of Ambiguity

9.3. Goal Attainment

9.4. Passion