Scrum Phases and Processes

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Scrum Phases and Processes by Mind Map: Scrum Phases and Processes

1. PHASE 1: Initiate

1.1. Create project vision

1.2. Identify Scrum Master

1.3. Form Scrum Team

1.4. Develop Epics

1.5. Create Prioritized Product Backlog

1.6. Conduct Release Planning

2. PHASE 2: Plan and estimate

2.1. Create User Stories

2.2. Estimate User Stories

2.3. Commit User Stories

2.4. Identify Tasks

2.5. Estimate Tasks

2.6. Create Sprint Backlog

3. PHASE 3: Implement

3.1. Create Deliverables

3.2. Conduct Daily Standup

3.3. Groom Prioritized Product Backlog

4. PHASE 4: Review and Retrospect

4.1. Demonstrate and Validate Sprint

4.2. Retrospect Sprint

5. PHASE 5: Release

5.1. Ship delverables

5.2. Retrospect Project