Alternative Presentation Tools for Education - EdCamp Boston May 2012

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Alternative Presentation Tools for Education - EdCamp Boston May 2012 par Mind Map: Alternative Presentation Tools for Education - EdCamp Boston May 2012

1. Screencasts

1.1. Screecastomatic

1.2. SmartNotebook Recorder

2. Mind maps

2.1. Mindmeister

2.2. Mindomo

2.3. TheBrain

2.4. Popplet

2.5. SpiderScribe

3. Slide Decks

3.1. SlideRocket

3.1.1. Keynote on the web

3.2. Zoho show

3.2.1. Part of the Zoho Suite

3.3. Google Presenter

3.3.1. Part of the Google Suite

3.4. SlideShare

4. Video

4.1. Animoto

4.1.1. Web based video editor

5. Comics

5.1. GoAnimate

5.2. ComicLife

5.3. Makebelievecomix

5.4. Toontastic

5.5. Pixton

6. Multi-Dimensions

6.1. VoiceThread

6.1.1. Can add voice and comments

6.2. Knovio

6.2.1. Lets You Add Voice to PowerPoint

6.3. Scratch

6.3.1. Interactive Multimedia Drag and Drop Programming Tool

6.4. Glogster

6.4.1. Liked for its non-linearity.

6.5. MuseumBox

6.5.1. Useful for History Classes

6.6. Prezi

6.6.1. Paths and Zoom Features Provide Uniqueness