Education Technologies: Input and Output Devices

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Education Technologies: Input and Output Devices por Mind Map: Education Technologies:  Input and Output Devices

1. Input Devices

2. Output Devices

3. Whiteboard of Electronic (may be used for classroom presentations) Benefits: Interactive has the substitute on chalkboard with capability of scanning and saving images displayed. Drawbacks (Challenges): May the BE prohibitively expensive for schools But lower technology.

3.1. Scan Converter (translates computer imagery for display on television) Benefits: Converts computer digital signals to analog for transmission to video recorder or television; an inexpensive option to many other video media (Lever-Duffy, & McDonald, 2011). Drawbacks (challenges): Image resolution can degrade.

4. Digital Camera (multiple uses in and out of the classroom, such as field trip documentation) Benefits: No need for film reloading or development; pictures are instant and may the BE Easily Transferred or copied to computer OTHER devices and storage. Drawbacks (challenges): Many different formats and costs for internal storage media.

5. The Bluetooth the Tablet The Whiteboard Interactive has (BE's Used in the PLACE of chalkboard Demonstrations and Equations) Benefits: the Designed to the BE . Drawbacks (challenges): Expensive and may need training to use.

6. Output is devce of An a device the connected to the computer with the which the computer may transmit timeout information or results to the user or another the connected device.

7. An input device is a device that can be interfaced with a computer in which a user can enter data to be used by the computer .

8. (LCD or Data) Projector (display video or still imagery) Benefits: can replace television monitor, overhead projector, and slide projector; interfaces with computer. Drawbacks (challenges): May require darkened room to view; May not work with whiteboards and require projection screen.

9. Headphones (listening to computer software audio output) Benefits: A more private listening alternative to speakers. Drawbacks (challenges): Wiring may not be compatable and can create a disorganized and dangerous tangle.

9.1. Computer Speakers (listening to computer software audio output) Benefits: Necessary for audio output interface to user. Drawbacks (challenges): highly distracting for seperate computer users.

10. The Scanner (coverts pictures and text files is to digital is) Benefits: May the BE Used google translate and to the existing images and documents is is the most manipulative of BE and copied with software. Drawbacks (challenges): Not necessary for existing digital files but can be more useful when integrated into an all-in-one printer / copier / scanner machines.