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Insects por Mind Map: Insects

1. Social Studies

1.1. Helpful or Hurtful?

1.1.1. Human interaction with environment and it's effects on the lives of insects

2. Writing

2.1. Writing a fictional text

2.1.1. Writing process

2.1.2. Pretending to be an insect (of choosing) while appropriately and accurately depicting their lives.

2.2. Insect Research Project

3. Reading

3.1. Expository Vs. Narrative

3.2. Compare/contrast two different books on insects

3.3. Answer Who, What, Where, When and Why questions

4. Science

4.1. Insect or spider?

4.2. Habitats

4.3. Life Cycles

4.4. How insects adapt to their surroundings

4.5. How humans impact insects

4.6. Harmful insects(safety)

5. Math

5.1. Adding 2 - 3 digit numbers

5.2. Subtracting 2 - 3 digit numbers

5.2.1. Word Problems

6. Art

6.1. Insect Condominium

7. Other

7.1. Safe Coices