UE East Coast Regional Tour 9/1/09

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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UE East Coast Regional Tour 9/1/09 von Mind Map: UE East Coast Regional Tour 9/1/09

1. Wash DC

1.1. Air & Space M. - Mall

1.2. Natl Acad Sci M.

1.3. Spy M.

1.4. Natl Geo Explorers Hall

1.5. Newseum

2. Boston

2.1. Bos Museum of Sci

2.1.1. Knowledge Domain

2.1.2. Concept Map

2.2. MIT

2.3. Textile Mus

2.4. Lowell Historic Park

2.5. JFK Library

2.6. Charles River M.

2.7. Hull Wind Turbines

2.8. EcoWaters

2.9. Public Health M.

3. NYC

3.1. Amer M. of Nat History

3.1.1. MindApp

3.1.2. MindJet

3.1.3. OpenMind 2

3.2. Paley Center for Media

3.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)

3.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

3.2.3. ENTER to add siblings

3.2.4. DEL to delete

3.3. Natl Design M.

3.4. Sony Tech Lab

3.5. Thom Edison Site

3.6. Fed Reserve Tour