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ethics af Mind Map: ethics

1. Right

1.1. Valid, legally recognized claim, includes freedom from government interference or discriminatory tx. & entitlement to a benefit or service.

1.2. Absolute Right

1.2.1. No restrictions whatsoever on individual's rights.

1.3. Legal Right

1.3.1. Agreed upon & formalized into law by society.

1.3.2. Values Clarification Identify & rank own personal values

2. Emergency commitments

3. The mentally ill person in need of treatment

4. Ethical Principals

4.1. Autonomy

4.1.1. Individuals are autonomous moral agents whose rights to determine their destinies should be respected.

4.2. Beneficence

4.2.1. One's duty to benefit or promote the good of others.

4.3. Nonmaleficence

4.3.1. Abstaining from negative acts toward another; includes acting carefully to avoid harm.

4.4. Justice

4.4.1. hypothetical social contract between free, equal & rational persons; duty to treat all equally & fairly.

4.5. Veracity

4.5.1. One's duty to be truthful always.

5. Avoiding liability

5.1. Assessment

5.2. Problem Identification

5.3. Plan

5.4. Implementation

5.5. Evaluation

6. Legal considerations

6.1. Nurse Practice Act

6.2. Laws

6.2.1. Statutory

6.2.2. Common

6.2.3. Civil Torts Contracts

6.2.4. Criminal

6.3. Psych. Legal Issues

6.3.1. Confidentiality & the right to privacy

6.3.2. Informed Consent

6.3.3. Restraints & seclusion (false imprisonment)

6.3.4. Commitment issues Voluntary admissions Involuntary commitment Involuntary outpatient commitment The gravely disabled client

7. Definitions

7.1. Ethics

7.1.1. Rightness or wrongness of actions

7.1.2. Bioethics- Medical, nursing, allied health ethics

7.1.3. Moral Behavior Conduct using critical thinking about behavior

7.1.4. Values Ideals that giving meaning to life

8. Ethics

8.1. Ethical Dilemmas

8.1.1. When moral appeals can be made for taking either of 2 opposing courses of action

8.1.2. Taking no action is considered an action.

8.2. Ethical Issues

8.2.1. Right to refuse medication

8.2.2. Right to least restrictive treatment alternative