Study materials

Compilation of study materials sent by the readers of "Cornflower' (English teachers of Tallinn web-community)

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Study materials by Mind Map: Study materials

1. New node

2. Hot Potatoes tasks

2.1. Crosswords

2.2. Cloze

2.2.1. Atricles

2.3. Mix

2.4. Match

3. Questions for the topics

3.1. New node

4. Sample Compositions

4.1. Letters

4.2. Reports

4.3. Essays

4.4. Projects

5. Useful link list

6. Study videos

7. Apple-bobbing

8. Presentations

8.1. Grammar

8.2. Country strudies

8.2.1. Thanksgiving Day

8.2.2. Shrove

8.3. General science

9. English blogs

9.1. Shamrock

9.2. edublog

10. Karaoke songs