The Best Christmas Celebration Ever

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The Best Christmas Celebration Ever par Mind Map: The Best Christmas Celebration Ever

1. At December 16th, the novenas started, always in the neighborhood at 7:00pm the neighbors and visitors sat around the Pesebre and pray the novena de aguinaldos until Christmas eve.

1.1. At the end of the novena the neighbors gave candys and gifts to all the children. I had a lot of funny every night.

1.1.1. In that day I remember that my mom put a big star on the top of the Christmas three, it was gold and red, she helped me to write my letter, when we finished it I put the letter under the three hoping that the niño Dios give me a bicycle.

2. Christmas eve arrived on December 24th, we were at my aunt’s home, my parents, my little brother, my grandparents, my cousins, aunts, and uncles, I was so happy, my mom prepared a big turkey with rice, salad, and a vanilla dessert, also we ate cookies, fries, natilla, and buñuelos,

2.1. The midnight arrived and my uncle hide me with my cousins in a room, when he opened the door, I saw a big bike next to the three, I was so excited, I laugh and I hug my mom. Then we played with my cousins and my little brother’s toys.

3. It was the very best Christmas because I received the best gift in the world, and I lived in the best neighborhood, and my older cousin spent the time with us because now he is living in the United States, far from home.

4. When i was 7 years old i lived the best Christmas ever. The celebration started at December 1st, I was in my house with my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my cousins, aunts and uncles.

4.1. We made too much food like buñuelos, natilla, and a big dinner for everyone. In the night we decorated the house with the Christmas three, snowman, and lights in the balcony, that day we danced a lot and sang Christmas carols.

5. Then, at December 7th, we celebrated the little candles day, I remember that we visited my grandmother, there were all my family too

5.1. we closed the street and we put a lot of candles on wooden planks, there were too much candles, of my family, friends and neighbors, the street was very illuminated and noisy because of the music.