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The Metamorphosis por Mind Map: The Metamorphosis

1. Nature of People

1.1. "she...loved music and could play the violin movingly" (20).

2. Tone: Kafka shows disinterest throughout the novel as each chapter reveals depression. It lacks happiness. The depressing tone represents the similarity to Kafka and Gregor. The article describes Kafka’s life as it starts explaining- “This paper will look into the text to show how this is a story about the author’s personal life portrayed through his dream-like fantasies”- The novel does an outstanding job representing this tone by the way Kafka writes it. He lived through this and that’s why the tone is easy to understand. He writes his personal life with fantasy.

3. Motif: Everyone goes through a metamorphosis. Gregor mentally changes when he has to adapt to the roles of an insect and he physically changes when he wakes up transformed into a bug. The novel describes, “As if this were a sign to Gregor that you needed teeth to eat with and that even with the best make of toothless jaws you couldn’t do a thing” (Kafka 34). Grete undergoes a transformation of being immature and young. The beginning of the novel describes her, “Of course it was not only childish defiance and the self-confidence she had recently acquired so unexpectedly and at such a cost that led her to make this demand” (Kafka 25). The novel explains more about her age, “Perhaps, however, the romantic enthusiasm of girls her age, which seeks to indulge itself at every opportunity” (Kafka 25). It describes the young age she is at and how she reacts to her brother’s metamorphosis at this age. In the end she matured by helping the family financially and growing into a young woman as the novel explains, “As they watched their daughter getting livelier and livelier, that lately, in spite of all the troubles which had turned her cheeks pale, she had blossomed into a good-looking, shapely girl” (Kafka 42). There are many other motifs, but this one stood out the most to me.

3.1. Theme: People separate themselves from society and begin to turn into something that does not have societal characteristics. Gregor is emotionally and physically separated from the world, even from his family, “Admittedly no one paid attention to him” (Kafka 35). He’s in his room 24/7 and never leaves. He abandons himself from his family and becomes an insect, but dies because of suffocating his life from others. He has no other outside relationships besides his family.

3.1.1. Point of View: The point of view shifts from Gregor to third person. In the beginning it’s all about Gregor, his house, and his room. The first page even starts out with what happens to Gregor. An example of Gregor’s point of view is when he speaks to himself, “Oh God, he thought, what a grueling job I’ve picked” (Kafka 1). By the end, it’s all about the family moving on and abandoning him. The novel describes how they forgotten Gregor when going into detail about moving, “We’ve done everything humanly possible to take care of it and to put up with it; I don’t think anyone can blame us in the least” (Kafka 37).

4. Craft

4.1. Character Development: Gregor is an insect although he still has human characteristics, such as wishing he could be around his family. Gregor shows this throw the novel, “Sometimes he thought that the next time the door opened he would take charge of the family’s affairs again, just as he had done in the old days” (Kafka 31). He always would say comments about the old days and how he use to be apart of the family. In the beginning the family loves him and takes care of him. In the middle and the end, they forget about him and abandon him from the family. Grete, Gregor’s sister, tells her father, “We have to get rid of it” (Kafka 37).

5. Franz Kafka

6. Marxist Literary Lens

6.1. Marxism in The Metamorphosis

6.1.1. Gregor

6.1.2. Gregor's family

6.1.3. Ending Gregor's death His family's new life "Leaning back comfortably in their seats, they discussed their prospects for the time to come, and it seemed on closer examination that these weren't bad at all, for all three positions, about which they had never really asked one another in any detail-were exceedingly advantageous and especially promising for the future" (42).

6.1.4. Authority figures Names Height "But the empty high-ceilinged room in which he was forced to lie flat on the floor made him nervous" (17). "He was afraid that his father might interpret a flight onto the walls or the ceiling as a piece of particular nastiness" (28). Deference Misunderstanding

7. Formalist Literary Lens

7.1. Self Fulfilling Prophecy?

7.1.1. New node

7.1.2. New node

7.2. Gregor is dead.

7.3. Motif of the Door

8. Biographical Lens

8.1. Religion: Jewish, Antisemitism in Prague, Max Brod: "convinced several generations of scholars that his parables were part of an elaborate quest for an unreachable God"

8.1.1. Kafka's Relationship with his Father: Yiddish theatre, German names for children, overbearing, duty, factory/suicide Kafka Part of the Story: acceptance, self-alienation, meaning behind transformation into vermin

9. Craft

9.1. symbolism

9.1.1. door / bedroom isolation or freedom dependency

9.2. imagery

9.2.1. "He was lying on his back as hard as armor plate, and when he lifted his head a little, he saw his vaulted brown belly, sectioned by arch-shaped ribs, to whose dome the cover, about to slide off completely, could barely cling" (Kafka 3).

9.3. figures of speech

9.3.1. personification

9.3.2. new node

10. New Historical Lens

10.1. 1912 Writing of Metamorphosis: Met Felice Bauer this year

10.1.1. 1914 Germany declares war on Russia Thought of becoming a soldier for WWI Ended his relationship with Felice 1915 Publishes Metamorphosis Won the Theodor Fontane Prize

10.1.2. 1913 Proposed to Felice

11. Translations by Stanley Corngold

12. Manuscript Revisions



13.1.1. Octopus Man Like the reaction of the parents and sister in the novel, society is afraid and hesitant to except people who are diffrent.

13.1.2. Wolf Children

13.1.3. A genetic disorder is a disease that is caused by an abnormality in an individual's DNA. Abnormalities can range from a small mutation in a single gene to the addition or subtraction of an entire chromosome or set of chromosomes.

13.1.4. Turner Syndrome

13.1.5. Huntington's Disease

13.2. Novels and Stories

13.2.1. Twilight

13.2.2. Harry Potter



14.1.1. Beauty and the Beast

14.1.2. Cinderella

14.2. FILM/TV

14.2.1. Being Human

14.2.2. Freaky Friday

15. Literary Influences and Movements

15.1. 1915

15.2. 1915 ART Styles

15.2.1. Modernism

16. "No single interpretation invalidates or finally delivers the story's significance." (Straus 126)

17. "Kafka reached the height of his mastery: he wrote something which he could never surpass..." (Preface ix)

18. The Metamorphosis by Ovid

19. Craft

19.1. Allusions

19.2. Structure

19.3. Time Sequencing

19.4. Point of View

19.5. All-topic notes

20. Femininity

20.1. Definition

20.2. Emasculate

21. New node

22. Feminist Lens

23. New node

24. New node

25. New node

26. New node

27. New node

28. New node

29. New node

30. New node

31. New node

32. New node

33. New node

34. New node

35. New node